Mississippi Messages - December 2013
FMR Updates
Fish Creek Natural Area protected!
Mississippi River bluffland in Maplewood is permanently protected.
Take action: The Minnesota Nutrient Reduction Strategy
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency recently released its Minnesota Nutrient Reduction Strategy. The draft strategy has a number of serious flaws that will prevent our state from reaching our pollution reduction goals. Please take action to help us tell the MPCA to revise the strategy and make sure Minnesota does our part to clean up the nation’s waters.
We are more than half way toward earning the full $20,000 challenge!
Thank you to everyone who has made a gift to help us earn this challenge before the end of the year. We are more than half way toward earning the full amount, and with a little more help, we’ll get there in time! If you are able to consider a contribution before Dec. 31, please help us earn this challenge.
They’re baaaaaack! A long-standing effort to site a hydro-electric power plant at the west end of the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis has resurfaced again, and Crown Hydro, LLC, is seeking comments through the end of December.
We recently wrapped up another successful volunteer season! We are pleased to report that overall, approximately 1,903 people contributed 5,385 hours to help the Mississippi River at FMR restoration events in 2013.
Applications are currently being accepted for a Field Ecology Intern, Development Intern, and Restoration and Education Events Intern. Each of these internships is a great opportunity to gain practical and hands-on experience in a professional non-profit setting. Links to more information and application instructions are available on our Volunteer Programs page.
Congress recognizes two river anniversaries
2013 was a milestone year for both Friends of the Mississippi River and the National Park we were created to protect — the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. So we were pleased and honored to be recognized recently by the U.S. House of Representatives.
New water quality standards proposed for the Mississippi River and Lake Pepin
Readers of Mississippi Messages know that cleaning up rivers begins with setting science-based pollution standards. Standards allow us to measure pollution and make science-based management decisions on how to clean it up. For decades, the state has been missing some key pollution standards. That is about to change.
Mississippi River News
Some river communities worried about their stinky reputation
River lovers may be interested to read a recent article in the Pioneer Press about the cities of South St. Paul and Newport where some neighbors and elected officials are concerned about odors emanating from several nearby industrial facilities. Others in the area say it isn’t a problem but it doesn’t take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Whose View? From Where?
Each month in this section, we feature a photo from somewhere along the river corridor in the Twin Cities that is in some way significant, important, or just plain scenic. Individuals may then e-mail us and identify the view and explain why they believe it is significant to the community or important to them personally.
This month’s photo is from the road less traveled, but the photo does include a road, that might help you identify this beautiful spot on the river.
We got several correct responses to last month’s photo, which was taken from one of the newer riverfront parks in north Minneapolis.
Ice is forming on lakes and streams.
Supporting FMR
Please help us earn the full $20,000 challenge gift!!
Thank you if you’ve already made a contribution! If you haven’t, and you’ve gotten this far down in this month’s Mississippi Messages, you must really like FMR and know that we are making a measurable difference in your community. Your tax deductible gift before December 31st will result in your gift being doubled and will further strengthen our ability to strategically and effectively carry out our work. Become a member or make an additional gift today.
Quote of the Month
“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
- Nelson Mandela