The Week Ahead in Mill City / October 17-23

Each Monday morning we provide an easy to reference list of events and activities for the week ahead in the Mill City neighborhood. Submit your events here...
Monday, October 17
Chefs for Change at People Serving People
Tuesday, October 18
Surdyk's Beer & Cheese: A Perfect Pair Class at Ginger Hop
Publication Reading: Shawn Otto - Fool Me Twice: Fighting the Assault on Science in America at The Loft
The Soap Factory Presents: The Haunted Basement 2011
Wednesday, October 19
Minnesota Zoomobile at Central Library
'Bacon, Bacon, Bacon' Cooking Class at Local D'Lish
Publication Reading: Jane Yolen -- Things to Say to a Dead Man at The Loft
The Soap Factory Presents: The Haunted Basement 2011
Minneapolis Park and Rec Board Meeting
Thursday, October 20
Talk of the Stacks: Leslie Marmon Silko at Central Library
The Soap Factory Presents: The Haunted Basement 2011
World Savvy Sustainable Communities Institute - Twin Cities
Friday, October 21
The Great NorthEast Pumpkin Grab
Farmers Market Feast Class at Local D'Lish
Live Music at Crooked Pint Ale House
Grey Sparrow Journal Reading at The Loft
The Soap Factory Presents: The Haunted Basement 2011
Saturday, October 22
Children's Stories From India at Central Library
Youth in Music Championships at the Metrodome
Family History Fair at Central Library
Washburn A Mill Tour at Mill City Museum
Live Music at Crooked Pint Ale House
How'd They do That Workshop: The Burial at Thebes
Publication Reading: Bringing Gifts, Bringing News: Fifty Poems Five Lines Each at The Loft
The Soap Factory Presents: The Haunted Basement 2011
Sunday, October 23
The Soap Factory Presents: The Haunted Basement 2011
Halloween Goodies Class at Local D'Lish
Vikings and Green Bay Packers at the Dome
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