The Week Ahead in Mill City / August 8-14

Bright and early each Monday morning we provide an easy to reference list of events and activities for the week ahead in the Mill City neighborhood. Submit your events here...
Monday, August 8
Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting
Music in The Park - Nicollet Island Park
Tuesday, August 9
Let's Go to Japan! Workshop at MCBA
Books & Bars Series at Aster Cafe
Game On! Gamers' Army at Minneapolis Central Library
DMNA Board Meeting at Central Library
Music in The Park - Father Hennepin Bluffs
Wednesday, August 10
Summer BBQ Wine Dinner at Spill the Wine
Thursday, August 11
Range of Motion Wellness Workout at Mill Ruins Park
Chefs for Change at People Serving People
Mill City Live: Outdoor Music Series at Mill City Museum
Higher Brain Living Event at Open Book
Friday, August 12
Real Ghost Tour (2 Nights) at St. Anthony Main
Saturday, August 13
Women’s Work: History Player Eva Valesh Tour at Mill City Museum
Sunday, August 14
Washburn A Mill Tour at Mill City Museum
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