The Mill City Times Interview: Get to Know the Sheridan Neighborhood

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided
Did you know that Minneapolis is composed of 11 communities, further divided into 83 residential neighborhoods? Today we focus on the Sheridan neighborhood, in the Northeast community. We spoke to Carin Peterson, President of the Sheridan Neighborhood Organization, and Jenny Fortman, longtime Sheridan resident.
Carin PetersonQ: What is the geography of the Sheridan neighborhood?
Jenny: Sheridan’s boundaries are the Mississippi on the west, Washington Street NE on the east, Broadway Street NE on the south and 17th and 18th Avenues NE on the North, roughly following the railroad tracks. I can tell you we are on or near the 45th parallel, but that’s it for my knowledge of the geography of Sheridan Neighborhood.
Q: What is Sheridan named for?
Carin: The neighborhood is named for General Philip Henry Sheridan - a Union general in the Civil War. There is controversy over his “scorched earth” actions during the Civil War and the Indian Wars of the Great Plains. Sheridan Elementary School on Broadway and University has started the process of a name change to be more reflective of the school demographics, ethos and moral character. I don’t know if Sheridan spent any time in Minnesota.
Jenny Fortman at an Open Streets event with Danza Azteca performersQ: Can you tell us a brief history of the neighborhood?
Jenny: I have been in Sheridan neighborhood since 1997 and can tell you a first-hand history from that time to the present. In the 1990s the city had designated Sheridan as a neighborhood in decline. It was a time when many families had been moving to the suburbs. The store fronts on 13th Avenue were mostly vacated and the community didn’t really seem proud of or connected to the place. By the time I got here in the late 90s, artists were being displaced from their downtown lofts and were finding affordable homes and studios in Sheridan. I ended up here a different way - Northeast Minneapolis was where my parents, grandparents and immigrant great grandparents lived. I did not grow up here, but when I graduated from college, I knew it was where I would go.
There was a growing group of us that had a pretty romantic vision of what Sheridan Neighborhood could be with its cute little downtown, proximity to the river and interesting mix of people - from the ever changing mix of immigrant groups to the artists emigrating from downtown. There was also a group of long-time residents who were running the neighborhood organization. They had survived the suburban exodus and were tuned into the decline they had been experiencing for a decade. It is not a secret that there was tension between the old group and the new group. Things have to transition to grow. I don’t want to dwell on that time. It’s enough to say that there were a lot of secret meetings and political strategizing. In the end, Sheridan Today and Yesterday (STAY) became Sheridan Neighborhood Organization (SNO). SNO’s first goal was to get the huge amount of city-owned property in the neighborhood back into productive use, including the Grain Belt Brewery Complex, the Ritz Theater and some residential lots. We wanted to connect the community to the river, create more green space and encourage small businesses to come in and open the doors on 13th Avenue.
So much of what we dreamed about in the early days is now reality. Sheridan was the last neighborhood in the city of Minneapolis to have a park. Sheridan Memorial Park was not designated a park until 2005. Sometimes it blows my mind the amazing transformation of this neighborhood in just 20 years. Being part of it has been one of the greatest privileges of my life. Around 2010, I decided that it was time for me to get out of the way and let the next group take the reins. There are still about 4 large parcels of city-owned land left in Sheridan near the Grain Belt Brewery Complex. I try to stay tuned in to what is happening there. But so much of my vision for Sheridan already exists. Now it is time for a new group to dream and nurture their visions. The current group is doing amazing things!
Sheridan Memorial Park
Q: What would you recommend for things to do on a Saturday in Sheridan?
Carin: It depends on the time of day - so I'll offer up two scenarios.
Daytime: Grab a coffee and soak up some atmosphere in the tiny but delicious Matchbox Coffeeshop. Cruise the aisles of a really great used book store on 13th, Eat My Words. Chat with the owner Scott while the Behind Bars Bicycle Shop tunes up your wheels. Pick up lunch or a snack from Mary Ellen's Bistro on 3rd and 13th. Bike down to Sheridan Memorial Park for a picnic...maybe a sweet treat dessert from nearby SiP Coffeebar.
Bike the achingly beautiful Mississippi River Trail. You could do a loop up to Lowry, cross the river, cruise back south and cross on Broadway. If it's a gloriously hot summer day, plan a kayak trip down the river. There are self-service stations from Boom Island up to the Coon Rapids Dam. Finally, get some delicious ice cream from Fletchers Ice Cream.
Evening: Assuming things open up fully again - a trip to Sheridan really must include seeing WHATEVER is being produced by Theater Latte Da at the Ritz Theater on 13th. They do such wonderful work! And talk about being neighborly - all who live in the 55413 zip code pay only $14/ticket! But first, dinner at Ertè and the Peacock Lounge. After dinner with time to spare before the show starts, stretch your legs a bit strolling 13th Avenue. Soak up the beauty of the gardens in between The Barber Sharp and Rogue Buddha Gallery. I do the gardening here so I am biased! Enjoy a great show. Afterwards, cocktails or coffee and dessert at the Northeast Social.
Jenny: I agree, there is no reason to leave Sheridan any day of the week!
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About Becky Fillinger
I’ve been a resident of the Mill District only since July 2019, but have visited the Guthrie, the Farmers Market, restaurants and friends in the area for many years prior to making the leap to Minneapolis. I’ve lived in many places (and climates) in the US and can testify that our cultural events, bicycle and hiking trails, parks and green spaces, museums, diverse neighborhoods and wonderful restaurants put Minnesota and Minneapolis high on my best places list. I’m a member of the Mill City Singers and look forward to our choir practices and performances.
One of my main interests is community - a very broad concept. For me it means bringing people together with common interests to form meaningful relationships. I look forward to reporting on businesses and individuals in our neighborhoods. Feel free to drop me an email at with your thoughts and ideas for stories.