Give & You Shall Receive, The Sanctuary Motto it Seems @SanctuaryRest

The Sanctuary has the most passionate, engaged fans I can think of. Every time Naomi tweets or makes a Facebook post mentioning Mill City Times, the article she links to becomes the most popular on our site. Seriously, every time.
I think I know why - she and her restaurant are always giving. Seems she is holding a charity event every week. She is constantly promoting other neighborhood businesses on social networks without expecting anything in return. When Kim and I stopped by 2 weeks ago for a drink and appetizers, she took the time to sit and chat in the middle of dinner hour. And energy? Wow, I don't know where it comes from. Well, some of her energy must come from totally loving what she does, because it's obvious.
Thanks for everything you do for our neighborhood, and Mill City Times Naomi. If there's such a thing as Karma, you have a lot of good things coming your way!
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