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Valuable Input at the April 25 Workshop for St. Anthony Falls Historic District Design Guidelines

A second public meeting regarding development of the new Historic District Design Guidelines for the St. Anthony Falls Historic District was held April 25 at City Hall.  This workshop was a follow up to the initial April 6 meeting held at the Mill City Museum. Brian Schaffer, Senior City Planner, provided background on the process:

Public Workshop: Historic District Design Guidelines for the St. Anthony Falls Historic District DSC08362

Noel Winter (below) of Winter & Company introduced the three professional teams who will consider the input gathered during these two public meetings as they work developing the Design Guidelines.

Public Workshop: Historic District Design Guidelines for the St. Anthony Falls Historic District DSC08363

During the April 25 workshop, attendees worked in groups to help shape Design Guidelines in the following areas:
- Refine and define character areas within the district.
- Identify key views.
- Define the vision and guiding principals of the design guidelines.
- Identify design issues.

Below, each group used maps and other materials to accomplish the above tasks. 

Public Workshop: Historic District Design Guidelines for the St. Anthony Falls Historic District DSC08368
Historic district design guidelines are a local policy and regulatory tool used in decision-making to evaluate alterations and new development within the historic district.  The new design guidelines will include guidance on the following:

- Archaeological sites and sites of specific cultural/historical significance.
- Existing and new infrastructure; sites of specific engineering and transportation significance.
- Natural features and open space.
- Existing buildings and the construction of new buildings; sites of specific architectural significance.

Below, Steve Minn and Marcy Schulte explained the overall vision of their group:Public Workshop: Historic District Design Guidelines for the St. Anthony Falls Historic District DSC08372 

Followed by Judith Martin and Laura Salveson's group:

Public Workshop: Historic District Design Guidelines for the St. Anthony Falls Historic District DSC08378

The workshop wrapped up with a lively debate of very different visions and concerns - all valuable feedback for consideration while developing the new St. Anthony Falls Historic District Design Guidelines.

More information on the project can be found online or by contacting:

Brian Schaffer, AICP, Senior City Planner
Minneapolis Department of Community Planning & Economic Development 
Planning Division, Preservation & Design
250 South 4th Street, Room 300, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-673-2670 Fax: 612-673-2526

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