October 17, 2015, Saturday - Big Gay* Race
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: St. Anthony Main, 115 SE Main St, Minneapolis
Celebrating its 5th anniversary, the Big Gay* Race is still a symbol of the freedom to love in Minnesota. Invite your family, friends, co-workers or members of your faith community to run, jog or walk. This year proceeds will benefit OutFront Minnesota. Since 1987, OutFront has been changing hearts and minds to make our state more welcoming for all LGBTQ people. In the past four years, thousands of Minnesotans have participated in the Big Gay* Race. We’ve won marriage equality for same-sex couples and passed the Safe & Supportive Schools Act, but our work is not done! Conservative opposition groups who oppose our humanity want to take away these victories and pass discriminatory legislation against LGBTQ people. We can’t let that happen. The Big Gay* Race is a great way to have fun and show your support for all LGBTQ Minnesotans. Everyone is welcome at this fun event! There is no skill level required. You can walk, run, or roll at your own pace.