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Entries by Kim Eslinger (4183)


Twin Cities River Rats First Show of 2011 Season is Thursday, June 2

The 2011 Twin Cities River Rats season kicks off Thursday, June 2.  Shows are scheduled for 7pm Thursday nights through August 25, and take place at 1628 West River Road (between the Plymouth and Broadway).

The Twin Cities Rivers Rats describe their show as an aquatic Broadway musical featuring multiple water ski acts choreographed to music and built around a theme.

If you haven't already enjoyed a River Rats show, their website is loaded with fun videos to give you an idea of what to expect.  These are free events.


Sunshine Returns for Week 4 at the 2011 Mill City Farmers Market

After braving the wind and rain for the past two Saturdays, this mornings sunshine allowed us to enjoy a relaxing and prolonged trip to the Mill City Farmers Market.

 May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 010

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 046

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 021

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 018

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 009

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 005

 May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 023

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 026

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 015

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 006

May 28, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 032

Be sure to check out the Mill City Farmers Market Blog under the Quick Links section.  We post new pictures, vendors and videos daily. 


Reminder: Twin Citys Trolleys Begin Sunday Service This Weekend

Starting this Sunday, May 29, thru October, Twin City Trolleys will have a downtown route.

Ticket are $24.00, and can be purchased from the Trolley driver or by calling thier office Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm.

Trolley Boarding Locations:
- Saint Anthony Main (this is the first pick up of the morning at 10am)
- The Sculpture Garden
- Mill City Museum
- The Soap Factory
- Minneapolis Convention Center (Hall C)

For more information please call them at 612-876-4489, or email


Mill District Business Spotlight:  501F1T

Founded in 2008, Phil Martens and Diana Broschka have made 501F1T a successful Mill District workout destination with their unique programs and personal interest taken in each client. 

The 3rd floor of the 501 Washington Avenue South building was a perfect spot to found their studio in this growing neighborhood. Natural lighting from walls of windows are just one component of the overall upbeat feel of the space.  

Joe Duffy of Duffy & Partners, is responsible for 501F1T's distinctive branding.  Joe's wife Patsy has been a client of Phil's since 2004.  Per Patsy, "Phil Marten’s group fitness routine has been part of my life for more than 6 years. I started with a group of my friends when he was located in Northeast Minneapolis.  501 F1T has become a very important part of my life. I have been running regularly for over 30 years but before Phil, I had never done any kind of strength training. The results have been dramatic, not only my increase in strength but just as importantly, my balance, flexibility and physique. My all-around fitness has never been better and I’ve been able to keep weight off like never before. The atmosphere and environment at 501 F1T is second to none. The small group training is fun and social - in a good way. The trainers are very knowledgeable, they focus on each of us individually and they maintain a great attitude that encourages results."

I first met Phil last Fall after a Client Success story interview with Andrea Austin (a RealRyder instructor at 501SP1N).  During that brief chat he mentioned how members of Mill City Commonswere attending classes specially designed for them.  Little did I know at the time that Dave and I would eventually become MCC members, where we met Marcia Townley, MCC Board Chair.  Marcia explained, “Mill City Commons values very much its partnership with 501F1T.  Over a year ago, we asked Diana and Phil to design a special “Strength, Balance and Stretch” course for Mill City Commons members.  Twice a week 6-12 members participate in challenging and targeted fitness classes.  I feel certain all participants would agree that their overall conditioning has improved under the excellent leadership of 501F1T trainers.”

Most unique to 501F1T is the G-WERX full-body workout equipment that Phil designed and put into production in 2001.  Manufactured in Maple Grove, this machine utilizes free weights to increase resistance in smaller increments than other equipment.  The user doesn't have to bump by 10, 20, 30 pounds at a time (10 pounds may not sound like much, but anyone who weight-trains knows otherwise).  The ingenious design is perfect for workout groups.

While Phil and Diana both provide individual training, it was obvious from the clients I spoke with that the group sessions are a very special part of their fitness routine.  Take Kristine Nielsen for example.  She's here from New York City performing in ARSENIC AND OLD LACE at the Guthrie.  Per Kristine, "I selected G-WERX because I loved the idea of a weight training class - the fact that it took 45 concentrated minutes, working different parts of the body 3 times a week. And that Phil and Diana monitor it closely, pushing you to your limits, but never causing injury. I found my stamina onstage increased as I became stronger and then I performed better. I like their philosophy- a group helps each other, yet makes you compete too. In New York City, that costs a whole lot of money and probably a personal trainer. Don't tell them, but it's a steal here. And so worth it!"  She also appreciated the short term membership available to accommodate her stay in the city.

Client Teresa Mock shared, "Since last November I have been committed to the 360 Group Strength Training GWERX program at 501 F1T. I don't think I've ever stayed committed to a workout plan this long. There is a sense of accountability with the group classes that keeps you coming because people genuinely miss you when you aren't there." Teresa had enough positive remarks to write a short story - I think if I looked up 'endorphin rush' in the dictionary there'd be a picture of Teresa.

In addition to training and consulting with their own clients, they are also sought out by college students for internships while earning a degree in kinesiology, or a certified trainer program. 

Phil provides nutritional consulting to help clients reach their goals.  What you eat and when you eat it play an integral role in losing weight and gaining muscle. Terry Jackson recently joined 501F1T as Club Manager. 

Last year he placed an ad in search of an additional trainer.  Dawn Doll responded, and 501SP1Njoined the space in August, 2010.   501SP1N also offers a unique menu of training options, including the RealRyder and Krankcycle classes.  

What's the perfect service to compliment 501F1T and 501SP1N?  Why, massage therapist David Wicklund and his staff at The Doorway for Massage Therapy, of course.  They are also located on the 3rd floor.  Per Diana, "The massage therapists at The Doorway for Massage Therapy are top notch! You are sure to receive amazing treatment at the practice independently owned and operated within 501FIT."

501F1T offers potential customers Free Club and Program Trials.  To learn more, check out the  informative videos featuring Phil and Diana on the main page of their website, or call 612-767-4415.


May 31 is the Deadline for Mill City Museum's 'Seeing the Minneapolis Riverfront' Photo Contest

 Mill City Museum invites you to enter your photographs of the Minneapolis Riverfront that reveal the relationship of people to the environment in the past and present.

Judges will be looking for striking images of the Mississippi River and the Minneapolis Riverfront that show the relationship between people and the environment past and present, what that relationship has meant to different people in different times, and the positive and negative consequences of our use of the land and waters. Ideal photographs will convey a sense of place of the Minneapolis Riverfront and will address the way people use the riverfront and its resources. Photographs can focus on the environmental success stories or on the work yet to be done. 

Winning photographs will be framed and displayed in the museum’s lobby in July and August 2011. Honorable mention photographs will be displayed nearby in a high definition slide presentation.

This photo contest is part of "Greening the Riverfront", a year-long series of programs highlighting how the Minneapolis riverfront has transformed from an industrial center to a center for new ways of thinking about our relationship with nature.

Click here for eligibility, entry information, etc.


Do You Have a Story to Share? StoryCorps Would Like to Hear From You

StoryCorpscollects stories for their weekly broadcast on NPR's "Morning Edition”, and now you have an opportunity to share your own story. 

StoryCorps is an independent nonprofit whose mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of our lives. Since 2003, StoryCorps has collected and archived more than 30,000 interviews from more than 60,000 participants. This project is funded with money from Minnesota's Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

They are hosting an informative meeting on Thursday, June 2, at 7:00pm.  The location is Pohlad Hall at the Central Library, 300 Nicollet.

If you have a few minutes in your day, take time to listen to some of the clips.  These are everyday people sharing stories that range from humerous to heartbreaking.


Above the Falls Sports Welcomes Both New and Seasoned Rowers

We recently received a postcard from Above the Falls Sports reminding us that boating season is here.  


They are currently offering special pricing on Boathouse memberships, which ensures availability of boats in the premier urban boathouse.  For more information, call 612-825-8983 or email

Above the Falls Sports offers:

- Group tours (short, half-day, full day, picinic and supper cruise)
- Boat handling instruction
- Boat rentals
- Boats sales (new and used)

Find out more on their website and Facebook.


"Have Umbrella - Will Shop" Week 3 at the 2011 Mill City Farmers Market 

Rain fell for the second week in a row at the Mill City Farmers Market, but there are just too many wonderful things available to miss out on for even one weekend.

Last year was our first full year visiting the MCFM, and we actually purchased way more from the artists than food vendors.  For food, I always stuck to the basics - greens, tomatoes, herbs, a loaf of bread or block of cheese.   But this year, my goal is to have tried EVERYTHING by the time October 15 rolls around. 

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 030

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 014

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 032

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 009

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 004

 May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 015

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 022

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 028

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 013

May 20, 2011, Mill City Farmers Market 034

I've got my fingers crossed that the sun will shine down on next week's market.  But rain or shine - hope to see you there!  YUM!


People Serving People Staff Provide Valuable Resources to Project Homeless Connect

People Serving People (PSP), located at 614 South 3rd Street, provides emergency housing and community services that assist families experiencing homelessness in becoming self-sufficient and reconnected with the community. 

On Monday, May 23, many of PSP's staff will be at the Convention Center to assist with the semi-annual Project Homeless Connect event.  Their staff will also manage the children's center during the event.

Project Homeless Connect, based on a nationally implemented best practice, is a one-stop service center of comprehensive support services for people experiencing homelessness. 

The last event on December 13, 2010, was also held at the Convention Center and utilized more than 160,000 square feet of the facility.   At that event, an astounding 125 separate service agencies provided a continuum of services that included mental and chemical health care, employment training and placement, comprehensive medical and dental care, haircuts, ID assistance, and voicemail services.   Over 500 service providers and 1,000 volunteers helped more than 1,900 individuals obtain services.
According to their website, Project Homeless Connect is a service delivery model that has consistently been proven to be crucial in eliminating barriers to housing, employment, education, and the myriad other factors that contribute to long-term homelessness.


Huge Turn Out for May 19 Groundbreaking Celebration at American Academy of Neurology

On May 19, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and American Academy of Neurology celebrated groundbreaking of the Academy's new headquarters across from the Guthrie Theater.  The American Academy of Neurology is the world’s largest professional association of neurologists with more than 24,000 members and is the largest trade association in the Twin Cities.

American Academy of Neurology DSC00367

Below, Mayor Rybak, Catherine M. Rydell, CAE, Executive Director and CEO of the American Academy of Neurology,  Bruce Sigsbee, MD, FAAN, President of the American Academy of Neurology, Minneapolis City Council Member Lisa Goodman, and Minneapolis City Council President Barbara Johnson perform the ceremonial groundbreaking:

 American Academy of Neurology DSC00404

As part of the celebration, a press conference was held to announce the Academy’s donation of 1,000 children’s bike helmets to the upcoming Bike Fests that start Saturday in North Minneapolis.  

American Academy of Neurology DSC00463

These helmets were also available to everyone attending the ceremony.

 American Academy of Neurology DSC00343

American Academy of Neurology DSC00351

The five-story, 62,000 square foot building is the first substantial office building to be constructed in downtown Minneapolis in the past 10 years.  Features will include a sensory garden, rooftop terrace and a system of power outlets on the building's exterior to provide electricity to the Mill City Farmers Market.

 AAN DSC05597

The American Academy of Neurology is currently based in St. Paul.  A neurologist is a doctor with specialized training in diagnosing, treating and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, migraine, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy.

Follow the construction progress on Mill City Times' Real Estate & Development Blog.


Susan Marks Book Signing Event at Mill City Museum both Informative and Humorous

Last night we enjoyed the 'In the Mood for Munsingwear' book signing event with Susan Marks at the Mill City Museum.


The program started with a performance by a costumed History Player portraying Eva Valesh, a journalist for the St. Paul Globe in the 1880s who exposed working conditions for women Minneapolis factories, including Munsingwear’s predecessor, Northwestern Knitting Company:


In her new book, "In the Mood for Munsingwear: Minnesota’s Claim to Underwear Fame," Susan Marks shows how the history of the company and its ad campaigns reveal a great deal about America’s changing mores.  Through photos and anecdotes, Susan covered working conditions and labor relations and how they affected the people who worked at Munsingwear, the underwear manufacturer founded in Minneapolis in 1887. It was once the nation’s largest manufacturer of underwear.



In response to poor public image, increased union activity and safety concerns after the fatal Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire of 1911,  Munsingwear built a mammoth "fire proof" manufacturing facility (the present-day International Market Square) and implemented numerous employee programs.


A few examples are sponsored employee sports, on-site health and dental staff, music, on-site library, and an employee-run newspaper.  Despite all the improvements there were disgruntled employees, such as a fellow in shipping who took to selling stolen underwear.  He was caught, thanks to "Operative 71".


It was interesting to see their advertising morph from innocent to outright racy:





Several former employees of Munsingwear shared their own stories. The gentleman pictured below brought in a manual slide ruler used for calculating the amount of cloth required for each size garment. He also shared some sample leisure suits. 


Another former employee explained how her "piecemeal" position at Munsingwear in the early 70's led to a career in international undergarment design, including the likes of Victoria's Secret.

Afterwards, Susan signed copies of her current book, as well as her 2005 book, "Finding Betty Crocker".  Both are available for sale in the Mill City Museum gift shop.


The exhibit, "Underwear - A Brief History" is currently on display at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul.


New “JobNow” Program at Central Library

The Library is now offering “JobNow,” a real-time online resumé and job interview coaching service.

The service is free, and all that’s needed is a Library card and Internet access to log on and connect with a carefully screened Job Coach.  The Job Coach will offer resumé feedback, interview coaching, resources for your job search, along with other career tips.

In addition to the Central Library location, people can seek in-person help at four other Hennepin Library Jobs and Small Business Centers.  They are located at Brookdale, East Lake, North Regional, and Southdale.


Mill District Eateries Rate Very High on Mpls St. Paul Magazine RestaurantRater @SanctuaryRest @spoonriver1 

Below is a sampling of Mill District Establishments that ranked very high on Mpls St. Paul Magazines RestaurantRater:

In this graciously restored fieldstone building, Sanctuary's menu spans the globe with new-age verve. Call it classic fusion-Latino and Asian flavors via French technique. Chef Patrick Atanalian's plates are surprisingly precise and balanced. Michael Kutscheid, polished maitre d' and co-owner, presides with enthusiasm and charm.
Critics' Rating: 84

Sea Change
The lure is sustainably sourced seafood prepared and served with the visual, textural, and flavor-packed flair that are the hallmarks of Tim McKee's restaurant concepts. Whether it's raw bar treats bursting with freshness, small plates boasting unorthodox combinations, or a full complement of non-fish entrees, the menu covers the waterfront. Toss in a remodeled interior that feels more open and casual than the former Cue, and some of the best service you'll find locally and you have a spot that's up to either pre-theater chumming or destination dining.
Critics' Rating: 93

Brenda Langton's modern eatery is a chic place to sip exotic cocktails and dine on creative, seasonal, locally raised, chef-driven fare within a stone's throw of the Guthrie Theater. Innovative flavors and a focus on nonmeat offerings are hallmarks here.
Critics' Rating: 83.3


The Fit Tourist

The mission of The Fit Tourist is to introduce tourists to our fabulous trail systems while offering a safe, healthy and memorable ride.   However, you don't literally have to be a tourist to take advantage of this service.  For example, people new to our neighborhood might want to take the "Downtown Extravaganza" ride to get a lay of the land before venturing out on a Nice Ride or even their own bike.

Check out their website for route details, ride times, registration info, what to expect, etc. 


Another Great Outing at Todays Mill City Farmers Market

A little rain wasn't about to stop us from filling our bag with goodies at the Mill City Farmers Market this morning!














Pillsbury A Mill on 2011 Preservation Alliance of Minnesota Most Endangered Historic Places List

The Preservation Alliance of Minnesota(PMA) announced its 2011 10 Most Endangered Historic Places List at the May 12 (Anti) Wrecking Ball event at the Soap Factory.    The Pillbury A Mill was included in this years list.

Since 1995, the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota has compiled an annual list of the state’s threatened historic buildings, sites, and structures. While the endangering circumstances vary, PAM’s response remains the same—to shine a spotlight on these important places, to equip local advocates to rally for preservation, and to focus public attention on favorable outcomes that can be achieved through a preservation approach.

About two-thirds of the 150 sites listed by the alliance have been saved.


Washington Avenue Closes This Weekend (East Bank and Stadium Village Area)

In case you have plans to visit the East Bank / Stadium Village areas this weekend (or use an MTC route that passes through this area) please read the following Light Rail construction update:

A general overview of construction for the East Bank and Stadium Village is now available via this link. This four page document is an outline only created to give those visiting the area a general idea of how to get to Stadium Village and East Bank and travel within the area. Weekly construction updates will continue to be sent out every Friday with details on closures and detours.
Please pass this information along to ensure people are prepared for the closure of Washington Avenue from Pleasant Street to Oak Street. This major road closure will occur this weekend and affect bus routes starting on Saturday.

Saturday, May 14th
Metro Transit bus detours begin for East Bank and West Bank. Bus stops on Washington Avenue are relocated to 4th Street or University Avenue for construction. Buses will return to Washington Avenue once the majority of construction is complete in 2-3 years. Watch for bus stop improvements at these locations; University & Pleasant, University & 17th, University & 19th, 4th & 17th, and Washington & 19th. For full information on bus stop changes and bus detours, go to or call the Transit Information Center at (612) 373-3333 for the most current information.

12:00 AM Monday, May 16th
I-35W Ramp: Westbound 3rd Street to south I-35W, east HWY 55, west I-94 closes.
Between Downtown Minneapolis and East Bank of Campus: Washington Avenue/3rd & 4th Street closes.
West Bank: North Cedar Avenue ramps closing, all traffic detoured to south ramps.
East Bank: Washington Avenue from Pleasant Street to Oak Street closes.
University of Minnesota Campus Connector and Campus Circulato Bus detours begin; no stops on Washington.


Here's Your Chance to Win Sanctuary's Spring Celebration Package!

Sanctuary the restaurant, 903 Washington Avenue South, is currently offering a great opportunity to win a dinner, lodging and a show package for Friday, May 20.  Click here for details on how to win.

This Spring Celebration package includes dinner for two at Sanctuary ($80 gift card), two tickets to Avenue Q at the Mixed Blood Theater, one night stay at the Holiday Inn Metrodome and a one-year subscription to Exploring TOSCA.

In addition to their website, your can follow Sanctuary on Twitter and Facebook.


MacPhail Center for Music Announces 2011 Summer Camp Schedule

MacPhail Center for Music has 46 summer camp offerings for students 3 years to adult.  These camps are held at their three locations, as well as at parks, museums and even the Minnesota Zoo.    

Early Childhood Music classes like "Pop, Sizzle, Bang" are a great way to discover the fun of music. MacPhail's camps for school aged kids - from Allegro Orchestra Camp to Rock Week, provide high-quality experiences to deepen musical skills over the summer. Unique ensemble opportunities are available in through piano camps, jazz camp and Suzuki Institute for piano, flute and guitar. 

MacPhail's chamber music camps for adults are a fun, low-key, way to make music and socialize with others with similar musical interests.

Click here for a full list of summer camps.


501SP1N Featured on National RealRyder Website

Dawn Doll, founder of 501SP1N, and her client were recently featured on  501SP1N is located at 501 Washington Avenue South, and shares space with 501F1T.


From now until May 31, 501SP1N is offering a Summer Special (June 1 to August 31) of Unlimited Cycling for only $125. This special is for RealRyder and Krankcycle classes only. Class Schedule.


Click here to request additional info.