Founded in 2008, Phil Martens and Diana Broschka have made 501F1T a successful Mill District workout destination with their unique programs and personal interest taken in each client.
The 3rd floor of the 501 Washington Avenue South building was a perfect spot to found their studio in this growing neighborhood. Natural lighting from walls of windows are just one component of the overall upbeat feel of the space.
Joe Duffy of Duffy & Partners, is responsible for 501F1T's distinctive branding. Joe's wife Patsy has been a client of Phil's since 2004. Per Patsy, "Phil Marten’s group fitness routine has been part of my life for more than 6 years. I started with a group of my friends when he was located in Northeast Minneapolis. 501 F1T has become a very important part of my life. I have been running regularly for over 30 years but before Phil, I had never done any kind of strength training. The results have been dramatic, not only my increase in strength but just as importantly, my balance, flexibility and physique. My all-around fitness has never been better and I’ve been able to keep weight off like never before. The atmosphere and environment at 501 F1T is second to none. The small group training is fun and social - in a good way. The trainers are very knowledgeable, they focus on each of us individually and they maintain a great attitude that encourages results."
I first met Phil last Fall after a Client Success story interview with Andrea Austin (a RealRyder instructor at 501SP1N). During that brief chat he mentioned how members of Mill City Commonswere attending classes specially designed for them. Little did I know at the time that Dave and I would eventually become MCC members, where we met Marcia Townley, MCC Board Chair. Marcia explained, “Mill City Commons values very much its partnership with 501F1T. Over a year ago, we asked Diana and Phil to design a special “Strength, Balance and Stretch” course for Mill City Commons members. Twice a week 6-12 members participate in challenging and targeted fitness classes. I feel certain all participants would agree that their overall conditioning has improved under the excellent leadership of 501F1T trainers.”
Most unique to 501F1T is the G-WERX full-body workout equipment that Phil designed and put into production in 2001. Manufactured in Maple Grove, this machine utilizes free weights to increase resistance in smaller increments than other equipment. The user doesn't have to bump by 10, 20, 30 pounds at a time (10 pounds may not sound like much, but anyone who weight-trains knows otherwise). The ingenious design is perfect for workout groups.

While Phil and Diana both provide individual training, it was obvious from the clients I spoke with that the group sessions are a very special part of their fitness routine. Take Kristine Nielsen for example. She's here from New York City performing in ARSENIC AND OLD LACE at the Guthrie. Per Kristine, "I selected G-WERX because I loved the idea of a weight training class - the fact that it took 45 concentrated minutes, working different parts of the body 3 times a week. And that Phil and Diana monitor it closely, pushing you to your limits, but never causing injury. I found my stamina onstage increased as I became stronger and then I performed better. I like their philosophy- a group helps each other, yet makes you compete too. In New York City, that costs a whole lot of money and probably a personal trainer. Don't tell them, but it's a steal here. And so worth it!" She also appreciated the short term membership available to accommodate her stay in the city.
Client Teresa Mock shared, "Since last November I have been committed to the 360 Group Strength Training GWERX program at 501 F1T. I don't think I've ever stayed committed to a workout plan this long. There is a sense of accountability with the group classes that keeps you coming because people genuinely miss you when you aren't there." Teresa had enough positive remarks to write a short story - I think if I looked up 'endorphin rush' in the dictionary there'd be a picture of Teresa.
In addition to training and consulting with their own clients, they are also sought out by college students for internships while earning a degree in kinesiology, or a certified trainer program.
Phil provides nutritional consulting to help clients reach their goals. What you eat and when you eat it play an integral role in losing weight and gaining muscle. Terry Jackson recently joined 501F1T as Club Manager.
Last year he placed an ad in search of an additional trainer. Dawn Doll responded, and 501SP1Njoined the space in August, 2010. 501SP1N also offers a unique menu of training options, including the RealRyder and Krankcycle classes.
What's the perfect service to compliment 501F1T and 501SP1N? Why, massage therapist David Wicklund and his staff at The Doorway for Massage Therapy, of course. They are also located on the 3rd floor. Per Diana, "The massage therapists at The Doorway for Massage Therapy are top notch! You are sure to receive amazing treatment at the practice independently owned and operated within 501FIT."
501F1T offers potential customers Free Club and Program Trials. To learn more, check out the informative videos featuring Phil and Diana on the main page of their website, or call 612-767-4415.