Solstice River XV - Global Water Dances Event a Success Thanks to Perfect Execution

Despite the wind (which at times seemed strong enough to turn the performers into human kites) Saturday afternoon's Global Water Dances event was by all accounts a perfectly executed event. The shows audio was broadcast simultaneously on FM 88.5, and there were boom boxes spaced closely together on the bridge allowing everyone in attendance to clearly hear the music and oration.
Prior to the Dances, spectators could stroll along the Stone Arch Bridge reading Mississippi mile markers that showed water quality at various towns and cities along the river. Below is a sample:
The entrance of Women of the Water was part of the event welcome:
Dancers were stationed high and low along the river, and were later joined by 3 kayaks and streamer bearers:
People of all ages gathered to watch the performances. Global Water Dances took place at 60 locations around the world - that our beautiful Mississippi neighborhood was one of them speaks volumes.
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