Waning Crescent Moon Over University

Submitted by Ric Rosow
A beautiful waning crescent moon was visible in a red sky shortly before sunrise on March 28th. I blended together two images taken seconds apart to create this image. The first image was take at a shutter speed of 1/200 of a second. A fast shutter speed assures that the moon is in sharp focus. Since the moon is constantly moving, if I use a slow shutter speed the moon will appear blurred in my photograph. The second image was taken at a shutter speed of 1/30 of a second so that the rest of the scene was revealed. In that image the moon was blown out and had no detail. Blending of the two images takes place in Photoshop. The goal was to blend the sharp focused moon from the first image into the second image to create an interesting work of art. There are several ways to blend images together. I experimented with several techniques before achieving a result I liked.
You can see more of my work @ricrosowphotography.com and treslechesartgallery.com