Volunteers Needed for Monarch Festival, September 10 at Lake Nokomis

Via an August 30 e-newsletter from the Minneapolis Park and Rec Board:
Lend a hand on September 10 at Lake Nokomis
You can help us make the Monarch Festival a successful, fun event for everyone! Volunteers must be at least 14 yrs and speak English (bilingual with Spanish is needed too). All volunteers receive an official Festival T-shirt as our way of saying thank you.
Sign up to volunteer at:
For more information about volunteering, call 612-313-7779 or email volunteer4monarchs@gmail.com.
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About the Monarch Festival
The annual Monarch Festival celebrates the monarch butterfly's amazing migration from Minnesota to Mexico. Using art, music, dance, games, native plants, prairie tours and food, the festival raises awareness of the need to provide and protect monarch habitat.
The free event is on Sept. 10 form 10 am to 4 pm. The Monarch Festival takes place near the Nokomis Naturescape, a certified Monarch Waystation, featuring native plants that monarchs need to lay eggs, host caterpillars and get nectar.