Hurray! West River Parkway Reopens September 1

Section of parkway and trail closed since June 2014 reopens tomorrow after mudslide repair
Via an August 31 e-newsletter from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is happy to announce a section of West River Parkway that has been closed for more two years, from 4th Street S to E 24th Street, will reopen at 4:30 pm on Thursday, Sept. 1.
The segment was closed following record-breaking rainfall in Minneapolis throughout June 2014. Just before 7 pm on June 19, 2014, a torrential downfall compounded by heavily saturated soils caused a steep, 100-foot wide section of the west bank of the Mississippi River near downtown Minneapolis to fail. The slope failure created a mudslide that sent a huge quantity of mud and debris rocketing down the riverbank, across West River Parkway and into the river.
Fortunately no one was hurt, but the project proved to be challenging from an administrative, engineering and construction perspective. For the public’s safety, a section of the parkway and trails remained closed during the investigation and repair of the mudslide. The MPRB sincerely appreciates the public’s patience while work was performed.
Project Overview
• Five retaining walls – three near the top of the slope and two at the bottom – work together to stabilize the slope and reduce its incline.
• A network of new underground drain tile will redirect groundwater to an improved storm sewer system that will prevent surface storm water runoff from saturating the slope’s soil.
• The previous poor, unconsolidated soil was replaced with more structurally stable soil.
• New vegetation, once established, will help anchor the slope.
• The parkway and trails were repaved and guardrails replaced.
For more information, please read the linked documents below:
West River Parkway Slope Repair FAQ
West River Parkway Slope Repair Construction Timeline