Update on Gold Medal Park - Tonight's Movie Canceled

Note from the Gold Medal Park management company:
Last week the park started showing a number of areas of brown grass. This is highly unusual considering the amount of rain we have along with a pretty good watering system. After examination we found that the park lawn was inundated with beetle grub worms. These grubs eat the roots of the grass and without controlling them the park lawn would greatly diminish convert to weeds quickly. We have been proud that the majority of products used to keep the park in pristine condition are organic products. The park foundation has accepted the fact that the process of organic is substantially more expensive then normal chemical but defiantly worth it not only because it is environmentally the right thing but also for the consideration of all the people and the pets that use the park. We have hit one ugly issue of not being able to find a very effective way to stop the grub damage without using a chemical application. That is what took place today and why the caution tape is around the park. The chemical will be washed into the soil with the watering and will quickly dissipate within 24 hours. It is possible that another application will need to be applied next spring to completely eradicate the grubs.
Although immediate treatment was optimum we thought that closing down the park over the weekend when the highest park use takes place was not in the best interest. We pushed treatment off to Monday without remembering the park movie schedule. With that chemical treatment it is not advisable to have heavy grass activity. Hopefully the continual result of a great lawn will mitigate any inconvenience this may have caused.