Tonight - Third Ward Neighborhoodfest at Nicollet Island Pavillion

Time: 6:00pm-10:00pm
Location: Nicollet Island Pavilion
Come to Nicollet Island and check out the festivities celebrating many of the elements that make up the City’s Third Ward.
Neighborhood vendors, shops, restaurants, local celebrities and City departments will be there to exhibit. The great entertainment (including the band Big Strong Men) and free food make this a festival not to be missed. Come explore Nicollet Island – one of the jewels of the Minneapolis park system, too.
The ninth annual Neighborhoodfest is sponsored by your local neighborhood associations, business associations and the office of Third Ward Council Member Diane Hofstede. The site is wheelchair accessible. For more information, contact the office of Council Member Diane Hofstede at 612-673-2203 or diane./
Download - Third Ward NeighborhoodFest 2011
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