Four Board Directors Elected at October 11 Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association Annual Membership Meeting

Four Board Directors were elected during the October 11 Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association(DMNA) Annual Meeting held at the Central Library. They are Andrea Christenson, Andy Hauer, Eric Laska and Wally Swan. Christenson, Hauer and Swan are incumbents, and we are excited to have Eric join the Board. (below, new board member Eric Laska)
Anyone who lives, works, or owns property in the Downtown East or Downtown West neighborhoods can run for a seat on the DMNA Board.
Board Chair Gerry Ewald lead the meeting, and prior to voting Andy Hauer presented the DMNA Special Recognition and Appreciation Award to Sarah Harris, CEO, Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District. Andy cited some impressive numbers on the DID's accomplishments, including:
12,009 - Graffiti removed as of August 30, 2011.
200,770 - Instances of pedestrian assistance provided.
2,206,348 - Pounds of garbage removed.
24 - Number of lives saved.
Guest speakers included Council Member Lisa Goodman, Park Board Commissioner Anita Tabb, Manager of Transit Oriented Development David Frank, Minneapolis Police Department's 1st Precinct Crime Prevention Specialist Renee Allen.
Council Member Goodman touched on downtown growth and improvements, including the opening of The Cowles Center, Lund's new store getting underway, a number of residential projects being proposed, solar parking meters and 52 blocks of re-paved downtown streets. She also mentioned the disturbing possibility of downtown being split into different Wards, an action voted on by the Charter Commission.
Park Board Commissioner Anita Tabb discussed three main projects related to downtown: The Riverfront Initiative (this is a 30-year vision), the Fuji Ya site (a study made possible by a private donation to the Minneapolis Parks Foundation will begin in the near future, kicked off by a public meeting), and Crown Hydro (not dead yet, but quiet for the moment).
Manager of Transit Oriented Development David Frank explained his job is to get development to happen at transit stops, or as he tells kids, "build stuff near trains". The Mayor indicates priority areas to focus on, and David meets with property owners, tours, finds funding and coordinates with a number of agencies.
1st Precinct Crime Prevention Specialist Renee Allen listed some of the programs they've implemented and are implementing to fight crime, including a Block training that North Loop residents will participate in November 9 at the Precinct.
Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin, Representative Bobby Joe Champion and Senator Linda Higgins also spoke at the meeting.
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