This Week at City Hall - Mill City Quarter

Community Development and Regulatory Services Committee Agenda
Standing Committee of the City Council, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
March 24, 2015 – 1:30 p.m.
Room 317, City Hall
Members: Council Members Lisa Goodman (Chair), Jacob Frey, Kevin Reich, Abdi Warsame, Alondra Cano and John Quincy (Quorum 4)
Council Committee Coordinator: Irene Kasper 612-673-2219
1. Presenting resolution honoring Erik Hansen for 12 years of service to the City of Minneapolis.
Staff Reports: Erik Hansen RESL
Public Hearings
Department of Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED)
2. Land Sale (2933 5th Ave S and 2937 5th Ave S):
Considering a resolution authorizing sale of properties to Cedar and Riverside Company for $36,000 each, subject to conditions: a) land sale closing must occur on or before 90 days from the date of City Council approval; b) payment of holding costs of $300.00 per month if the land sale closing does not occur on or before the closing deadline. The sale conditions may be waived or amended with approval of the CPED Director.
Staff Reports: 2933 5th Ave RCA; 2933 5th ATTACH
3. Land Sale (2600 Irving Ave N):
Considering a resolution authorizing sale of property 600 Irving Ave N to Andre Duke for $6,000, subject to conditions: a) land sale closing must occur on or before 90 days from the date the City receives title; and b) payment of holding costs of $300.00 per month if the land sale closing does not occur on or before the closing deadline. The sale conditions may be waived or amended with approval of the CPED Director.
Staff Reports: 2600 Irving Ave N RCA; 2600 Irving Ave N ATTACH1; 2600 Irving Ave N ATTACH2
4. Corcoran Triangle, LP (3120 24th Ave S):
Considering a resolution giving preliminary approval to the issuance of up to $13,000,000 in Tax-Exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Entitlement Bonds to assist in the acquisition land and the construction of a 135-unit multifamily rental housing development and of facilities functionally related.
Staff Reports: Corcoran Triangle RCA; Corcoran Triangle ATTACH1; Corcoran Triangle ATTACH2
5. Ecumen Mill City Quarter, LLC – Abiitan (428 2nd St S):
Considering a resolution granting preliminary and final approval to the issuance of up to $32,000,000 in Tax Exempt Senior Housing and Healthcare Revenue Bonds to assist in the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a 151-unit multifamily rental apartment development, and facilities functionally related and subordinate thereto, comprised of approximately 48 memory-care units and approximately 103 apartment homes with home-care services that will be provided to residents as a separate charge on an as-needed basis.
Staff Reports: Ecumen Mill City Quarter Bonds RCA; Ecumen Mill City Quarter Bonds ATTACH
6. Mill City Quarter (300 2nd St S):
Considering a resolution granting preliminary and final approval to the issuance of up to $22,000,000 in Tax Exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Entitlement Bonds to assist in the acquisition, construction, and equipping of a 150-unit multifamily rental apartment development.
Staff Reports: Mill City Quarter RCA; Mill City Quarter ATTACH
7. Land Sale (Mill City Quarter and Abiitan):
a) Considering resolution authorizing sale of 300 2nd St S and 428 2nd St S to Eagle Iron Partners, LLC or Assigned Developers (322 Second Street Apartments, LLP and Ecumen Mill City Quarter, LLC) for a collective price of $3,161,000;
b) Considering resolution authorizing a waiver of the Park Land Dedication requirement contingent on execution and filing of a Parkland Development and Easement Agreement as described herein between the City, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, 322 Second Street Apartments, LLP, Ecumen Mill City Quarter, LLC and Mill Place, Inc.;
c) Approving a $350,000.00 loan in accordance with term sheet;
d) Authorizing a Redevelopment Contract(s) and execute any other necessary documents consistent with the term sheet;
e) Authorizing staff to execute a Parkland Development and Easement Agreement;
f) If requested by the development entities, terminate the Parking Lease between Canal Street Limited Partnership and the City upon closing; and
g) Authorizing execution of one or more agreements with Ecumen Mill City Quarter, LLC and Eagle Iron Partners directing a portion of the brownfield grant funds awarded to Eagle Iron Partners to be provided to the Ecumen Mill City Quarter, LLC project instead.
Staff Reports: Mill City Land Sale RCA; Mill City Land Sale ATTACH1; Mill City Land Sale ATTACH2; Mill City Land Sale ATTACH3; Mill City Land Sale ATTACH4; Mill City Land Sale ATTACH5; Mill City Land Sale DFC MEMO
CPED/Licenses & Consumer Services
8. Ambiente Gallerie (505 1st Ave NE):
Considering application for a Rental Hall license (New Business).
Staff Report: Ambiente Gallerie RPT
9. La Ceiba Bistro (3500 Bloomington Ave S):
Considering application for an On Sale Wine with Strong Beer license (New Business).
Staff Report: La Ceiba Bistro RPT
10. Sal’s on Fifth (10 N 5th St):
Requesting an Extended Hours license with Operating Conditions (New License).
Staff Report: Sal’s on Fifth RPT
11. The Bad Waitress (2 E 26th St):
Requesting an On Sale Wine with Strong Beer license (License Upgrade).
Staff Report: The Bad Waitress RPT
CPED/License & Consumer Services
12. License Applications:
Granting licenses recommended for approval (see separate Licenses Agenda-not available in electronic format).
New liquor, wine & beer establishment owners, licenses, permanent expansions, upgrades and added conditions to existing licenses detailed as follows: Doubletree Suites by Hilton Hotel Minneapolis, 1101 LaSalle Ave (New Proprietor); Prairie Dogs, 610 W Lake St (New Proprietor); Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club, 725 Hennepin Ave (Permanent Expansion); Westin Minneapolis, 88 S 6th St (New Proprietor).
Staff Reports: License RCA, Doubletree Suites RPT; Prairie Dogs RPT; Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club RPT; Westin Minneapolis RPT
13. Housing Replacement District III – Removal and Subsequent Reinstatement of 3712 28th Ave S):
Approving resolution removing 3712 28th Ave S from Housing Replacement District III and placing it back in the district once a new Property Identification Number has been assigned.
Staff Reports: HRD III RCA
14. Lifetrack Resources Master Contract:
Authorizing increase in the maximum amount of eligible employment and training services expenditures for Master Contract C-28857 with Lifetrack Resources by $250,000, for a new maximum amount of $500,000.
Staff Reports: Lifetrack Resources RCA
15. Conurbation LLC Contract Extension:
Authorizing execution of an amendment for $50,000 to an existing contract for continued project management services (Refer to W&M).
Staff Reports: Conurbation RCA
16. Nicollet Hotel Block Development Rights Designation (30 S 3rd St):
Awarding exclusive negotiating rights to United Properties as the developer of the City-owned property (Nicollet Hotel block) for a period of 12 months and authorizing a redevelopment contract terms and, upon successful negotiation, return for further City Council review and approvals.
Staff Reports: Nicollet Hotel Block Dev Rts RCA
17. Interim Parking Rental Agreement for 205 Park Ave:
Authorizing an interim parking rental agreement with Ecumen Mill City, LLC for parking vehicles on the City-owned 205 Park Ave lot during the construction of the Mill City Quarter senior housing development at 300 2nd St S consistent with the terms of report.
Staff Reports: Interim Prkg Agrmt RCA; Interim Prkg Agrmt ATTACH
Department of Intergovernmental Relations/Grants & Special Projects
18. 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan:
Setting a public hearing for April 7, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., to receive public input on the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan which is the City’s application to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the entitlement programs of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).
Staff Reports: Con Plan Set Pub Hrg RCA; Link to Con Plan Website
Regulatory Services
19. License Fees for Tiered Rental Licenses and Condos Ordinance:
Setting a public hearing for April 7, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., to received public input on an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 244 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Housing: Maintenance Code, amending provisions related to license fees for tiered rental licenses and condominiums (by B. Johnson).
Staff Reports: None
Referred from City Council 3/20/2015
20. Director’s Fee Schedule Ordinance:
Referring to staff the subject matter of an ordinance amending Title 5, Chapter 91 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Building Code: Permit Fees, amending the fee schedule and fee refundsrelating to the Director's Fee Schedule (by Quincy) (Also in W&M).
Staff Reports: None
Finance & Property Services Department
21. Target Center Renovation Project:
Authorizing execution of a Renovation Agreement, with terms modified from previously approved Term Sheet (Refer to W&M).
Staff Reports: Target Center Renovation RCA
Notice: A portion of this meeting may be closed to the public pursuant to MN Statutes Section 13D.03 or 13D.05
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