The Week Ahead in Mill City / August 22-28

Bright and early each Monday morning we provide an easy to reference list of events and activities for the week ahead in the Mill City neighborhood. Submit your events here...
Monday, August 22
Music in The Park - Nicollet Island Park
Tuesday, August 23
Let's Go to the Junkyard! Workshop at MCBA
Music in The Park - Father Hennepin Bluffs
Wednesday, August 24
Breakfast with a Preservationist at Mill City Museum
Thursday, August 25
5 Course Wine Dinner at Spill the Wine
Chad Hoopes Recital at MacPhail
Baby Storytime at Central Library
Rhythmically Speaking at Southern Theater (3 nights)
Friday, August 26
Real Ghost Tour (2 Nights) at St. Anthony Main
MacPhail's Hip Hop Camp Final Performance
Saturday, August 27
Taste Twin Cities Minneapolis Riverwalk Tour (Starts at Gold Medal Park)
Historic Main Street Tour at Mill City Museum
Vikings and Dallas Cowboys at the Dome
Guo Gai, Meng Tang, Slinko Opening Reception at Soap Factory
Mississippi River Gorge Half-Day Canoe Trip
Sunday, August 28
Engineering the Falls at Mill City Museum
Sanctuary's 4th Anniversary Party
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