The Mill City Times Interview: Vasiliki Papanikolopoulos, Founder, Minnesotans Unite

Article by Becky Fillinger
The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for small businesses. Locally, the state has funded small business relief grants and the federal Payroll Protection Program provided some relief for businesses that qualified. Is there any other aid available? Meet Minnesotans Unite. We interviewed the founder, Vasiliki Papanikolopoulos, to learn how we, as community members, can continue to support our local small businesses.
Q: Please tell us the history of Minnesotans Unite.
A: Minnesotans Unite is about 4 months old - it started at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic with a mission to support and showcase small businesses. When neighborhood shops began to close amidst the lockdown, we realized there needed to be a way to easily support our favorite places. It began as a platform to purchase gift cards which served two purposes: for the small businesses, they impact their bottom lines immediately, and for consumers, they are something to look forward to. 100% of the gift card purchases go to the small businesses. Now, we’ve built on that and are broadening the ways in which we connect the community with small businesses. These include some exciting product launches in partnership with our participating businesses, as well as with local artists.
Q: How did you become involved?
A: Small local businesses and their owners have been hugely influential in my life, and I find them to be community pillars across the world. With larger forces like Amazon and Walmart putting elements of local identity in jeopardy, I’ve always sought out ways to reinforce the value of consuming small and local. This has taken various forms over the years, and Minnesotans Unite has been the latest and most fruitful effort.
Vasiliki PapanikolopoulosQ: How are you recruiting more small businesses to join Minnesotans Unite?
A: Front and center for us is bringing more small businesses into the network who believe in the power of togetherness. We are doing so via direct outreach as well as with initiatives that speak to the resources and support the Minnesotans Unite platform provides small businesses. These initiatives include monthly meetings with business experts, exchange with other business owners, and parallel marketing efforts for their businesses on the one central platform that makes it easy for consumers to support any and all.
Q: Do you currently live in Minneapolis?
A: Yes! I’m Greek-Cypriot-American, born and raised in Minneapolis. Eight years ago I moved to Philadelphia for school and then work, and last September moved back home to Minneapolis.
Q: A bit off topic, but tell us about your position with The Port Global. Greek tech start-ups - exciting! Do you find that Greek companies face similar issues in helping local small businesses survive?
A: I’m the Director of Marketing for The Port Global. It’s been quite fascinating growing up at the intersection of what seemed like two very different worlds, the US and Greece. As time passes, what we’ve seen is Greece following in the footsteps of what’s trending in the US and what was a strong foundation in Greek culture centered around small businesses is less so now. It used to be, you’d go to the butcher shop, and on the way stop at the shoemaker and maybe even the bookstore. Now, with larger chains and ecommerce, it’s a much different landscape. I’m quite passionate about working in a space where we can play a part in evolving the next generation of Greek startups and businesses.
Q: If businesses want to join Minnesotans Unite, what steps should they take? Are you looking for individuals to help with the group’s efforts?
A: It’s quite simple - if you are reading this, as a small business owner who is interested in being a part of the network or as a consumer looking to support the effort, and you are community-driven, we would love to hear from you at The ways in which to stay in touch with Minnesotans Unite are by following us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as subscribing to our newsletter.
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About Becky Fillinger
I’ve been a resident of the Mill District only since July 2019, but have visited the Guthrie, the Farmers Market, restaurants and friends in the area for many years prior to making the leap to Minneapolis. I’ve lived in many places (and climates) in the US and can testify that our cultural events, bicycle and hiking trails, parks and green spaces, museums, diverse neighborhoods and wonderful restaurants put Minnesota and Minneapolis high on my best places list. I’m a member of the Mill City Singers and look forward to our choir practices and performances.
One of my main interests is community - a very broad concept. For me it means bringing people together with common interests to form meaningful relationships. I look forward to reporting on businesses and individuals in our neighborhoods. Feel free to drop me an email at with your thoughts and ideas for stories.