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The Mill City Times Interview: Michelle Schroeder, President and Lead Adventure Coach at Backpack The Trails LLC

Article by Becky Fillinger

You would never call Michelle Schroeder a homebody. She has backpacked the last 25+ years – around the globe. A self-described Minneapolitan, we asked her about her inspirations and lessons learned as an entrepreneur and outdoor fitness leader.

Michelle Schroeder

Q:  Tell us where you grew up and your first hiking memory. 

A:  I grew up on 10 wooded acres west of Forest Lake, MN, and spent a lot of time on my great-grandparents' century farm near Hinckley, MN. My first hiking memory is of Gooseberry Falls State Park. I was about 5 years old and we took a hike from the campsite out to the shoreline rocks. I was amazed at the tadpoles swimming around in the pools well above Lake Superior. My two brothers and I would run around the campfire in the evening with our marshmallows on fire, convinced that we had torches and were keeping the mosquitoes at bay.

Q:  What were/are the learning curves of launching and building a backpacking tour company? Do you have a mentor?

A:  I am so grateful for the handful of brilliant, generous mentors I have. I have also had so much moral support from all of my family, friends and acquaintances, a literal cheering squad, and am so humbled by those who continually cheer for me to succeed. It feels great!

The initial learning curves are steep and the newness of being a solo startup business can be very scary and isolating. That said, I thrive on getting out of my comfort zone and relish learning as much as possible at every turn. And after a couple of years in business, I feel like I have hit my stride and have a solid business.  I feel confident, even with COVID-19. I know that I will always figure it out.

Q:  You lead many - maybe all - of the trips. Are you ‘hands on’ in other aspects of your life?  

A:  Yes, I lead all of my trips and will continue to do so until I have enough growth to warrant hiring awesome guides to help out.  

I tend to be hands-on in many aspects of my life. I thoroughly enjoy breaking stereotypes, whether age or gender, and am incredibly happy with the bathroom remodel I did. I went all of the way down to the boards and learned a lot. It was a really empowering experience.

Q:  I read that you tested footwear for Vasque. Tell us about that.

A:  I was a tester for Vasque for a couple of years. I would receive a new prototype and was asked to test it out on the trail, whether it was a water shoe, trail runner or hiking boot. These require quick turnaround on feedback as to fit and function. Sometimes they worked well, and sometimes the fit was off for my specific foot shape, which could make for issues during my hike.  

When shopping for footwear, it’s important to tell the salesperson if you have a wide toe box, narrow heel, and low ankle bone, like I do. Brands are often known for providing a shape that will work well for some and not others.  

Q:  Do you have a particular diet to give you enough energy for the backpacking trips? 

A:  It depends on the length of the trip. If I’m out for a 3-day weekend, I don’t count calories so much. However, if I’m looking at a 7-day trip or longer, yes, I focus on calorie intake to be sure I don’t hit a wall while out there. A person can Google a calorie-calculator that takes into account their weight, length of the hike, strenuousness of the hike, etc.

Backpacking 101 Tour Group

Q:  What or who keeps you inspired?

A:  My backpacking friends as well as my love for nature and beauty keep me inspired to stay fit and prepared to be out on the trail in a moment’s notice. It feels so invigorating to be outside!

Q:  Tell us about being on the board of Border Route Trail Association. 

A:  I fell so in love with the Border Route Trail in Northern Minnesota this past Fall and posted like crazy on the BRTA’s Facebook page. Having seen my passion for the trail, I was recruited by Matt Davis, the Regional Trail Coordinator for the North Country Trail Association (the BRT is part of the broader NCT), to be on the BRTA’s Board of Directors. Matt and I had previously worked together on a statewide environmental conservation Board, so he was familiar with my work.  

I’ve been Secretary on the BRTA Board since February and really enjoy my fellow Board members, most of whom were the original trail builders from the 1970s. There is a lot of history within the Board, it’s a laid-back vibe, but the group also faithfully accomplishes a lot of trail maintenance every year. The BRT is a very difficult trail to access for maintenance, the majority of which is located within a wilderness-designated area of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, which means mechanized equipment cannot be used. This is no small feat!

I look forward to helping out in any way I can to bring more hikers and volunteers to the Border Route Trail.  Here is my recent FB Live presentation on the Border Route Trail, a trail I refer to as “Minnesota’s Best-Kept Backpacking Secret,” for anyone wishing to learn more about the trail.

Q:  Many professions have continuing education. How does a professional backpacker guide stay current? 

A:  I take safety on the trail very seriously. Even before starting my business, I became a Wilderness First Responder, which I recertify every two years. I am also a Certified Food Protection Manager from the MN Department of Health, which also requires recertification. In my own time, I read incessantly and learn constantly about new gear, new technology, new trails, brushing up regularly on things like my satellite messenger skills and compass skills. I also scout out other trails before ever taking clients out on them.

Q:  Do you have a staff?  

A:  I have a fabulous marketing consultant, Ginny Galbreth, who has been so important to the development and success of my business. She lives in Bozeman, MT and loves the outdoor world as well. Check out some of her blog work about being a wilderness mom at

I have a corporate trip in the works and will be hiring another guide who is a firefighter in McMurdo Station in Antarctica when he’s not guiding in the Grand Canyon, Alaska or Colorado. My business model is from more of a teaching angle, but this trip will likely be catered, so I will also be hiring a chef.

An impassable zone in California’s Lost Coast.

Q:  How do we sign up for a guided trip?  

A:  I have several trips already designed and slated on my website I teach 1st-time backpacking trips on the Superior Hiking Trail and organize logistics for bigger trips, such as floatplanes and permits for Isle Royale, as well as tide charts to navigate impassable zones along California’s Lost Coast.  

I also really enjoy creating customized trips for people for anywhere they wish to go in the world. For anyone wishing to know more about how to prepare for a specific trip they have already planned for themselves, or to do things like check on whether their existing gear is trail-worthy, I am also happy to offer consulting. I really enjoy helping people get into the outdoors. Follow me on Facebook and send me a message – we’ll plan it together.

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About Becky Fillinger

I’ve been a resident of the Mill District only since July 2019, but have visited the Guthrie, the Farmers Market, restaurants and friends in the area for many years prior to making the leap to Minneapolis. I’ve lived in many places (and climates) in the US and can testify that our cultural events, bicycle and hiking trails, parks and green spaces, museums, diverse neighborhoods and wonderful restaurants put Minnesota and Minneapolis high on my best places list. I’m a member of the Mill City Singers and look forward to our choir practices and performances.

One of my main interests is community - a very broad concept. For me it means bringing people together with common interests to form meaningful relationships. I look forward to reporting on businesses and individuals in our neighborhoods. Feel free to drop me an email at with your thoughts and ideas for stories. 

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