The Mill City Times Interview: DID Ambassador: Essie Simpson

Article by Becky Fillinger
Essie Simpson Photo Credit: Kurt Moses Photography via of Mpls DID
The Downtown Improvement District (DID) is staffed by an amazing group of Ambassadors. Meet Essie Simpson, an exemplary Ambassador. Interested in being an Ambassador? The DID usually hires in the spring time for the busy summer season with 75-80 Ambassadors on the street in the summer months.
Q: Why did you become a Downtown Improvement District Ambassador?
A: I love being downtown and helping people. Being a DID Ambassador seemed like a natural fit for me.
Q: What is a typical day on the job like for you?
A: I start my shift with a briefing on the day’s events, and then I head to my zone within the District to begin my patrol. Throughout my shift, I am focused on helping anyone who may be in need. I also look for safety concerns or situations and communicate with the DID Safety Communications Center to provide the best next steps in assisting the situation.
Q: How many days per week do you work?
A: I am on the job five days a week.
Q: Do you have a territory - a particular set of streets or a neighborhood where you work?
A: We are assigned to a new zone on a daily basis. Each zone is as specific area within the Downtown Improvement District area.
Q: What improvements would you recommend to strengthen the Ambassador program?
A: More Ambassadors! The more people we have on the street the more people we can help. I think the program is a success - I love the program and being able to help people on a daily basis.
Q: Thank you Essie! How may we follow your news?
A: The best way to follow the DID news on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can also find more information on