The Great Northern Announces a Special Release, T R A C K I N G: A Polyrhythm of Winter

Via a March 20 e-annoucement from The Great Northern:
Special Release
T R A C K I N G: A Polyrhythm of Winter
As the winter season thaws and Earth enters the vernal equinox, we are thrilled to announce the release of T R A C K I N G—a collective, sonic remembrance of time and place by architecture/art duo Dream the Combine, artist Isaac Gale, and 264 others.
The project was launched during The Great Northern 2021 as a series of movement prompts and multimedia responses exchanged via text message that explored the ways in which we are all bodies of water in relation to one another. Today’s release is the final output of the work, featuring a combination of participant submissions pieced together and reworked into one audio track.
Listen to T R A C K I N G in a special episode of The Great Northern Podcast following a brief conversation between Jennifer Newsom and Tom Carruthers (Dream the Combine) and Isaac Gale on how they produced this unique polyrhythm of winter.