Tend the Demonstration Prairie on Nicollet Island with Friends of the Mississippi River, June 11

Photo by Tom Reiter for FMR
Tend the Demonstration Prairie on Nicollet Island
Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Last year, Friends of the Mississippi River (FMR) volunteers planted over 600 native prairie plants in the demonstration prairie boxes on Nicollet Island. Along with adding pollinator habitat and beauty to the island, these boxes are educational. Identification plaques give park visitors the chance to learn more about the stunning array of species coming up throughout the restored prairies on the island.
However, the boxes need upkeep and tending! Join us this June to work in the demonstration prairie to ensure that this resource is providing everything it can for the human and wildlife communities on Nicollet Island. Volunteers will also help pull garlic mustard and other invasive plants from forested areas where buckthorn was recently removed.
FMR is leading a multi-year restoration of the natural areas on the north half of the island in partnership with the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization and the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board. The restoration plan includes the removal of invasive species, enhancement of degraded forest areas, and the creation of new, diverse habitat, including two acres of native prairie and the re-creation of a pocket of maple forest historically present on the island.
All are welcome. No experience is needed; however, registration is required and capacity is limited. All tools, gloves and training will be provided.
Ready to register?
To sign up and receive directions to the meeting spot, contact FMR Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator Sophie Downey at sdowney@fmr.org, 651.222.2193 x27. Please include the name of the event, your name, address, phone number and the number in your party.
You will receive a confirmation email from sdowney@fmr.org within two business days. (If you don't, please check your Spam or Promotions folder.)
If you're under 18 and interested in volunteering without the company of your parent or guardian, please take a moment and have them fill out this brief minor permission form.
To maintain social distancing, our events will be smaller than usual. Please register right away if you are interested. Once the event is full, we will start a waitlist, and any spots that open up will be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Can't make it?
To receive notices of future volunteer events, contact FMR Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator Sophie Downey at sdowney@fmr.org, or by selecting Sophie by name under "Category" via the FMR contact form. Or, visit our events calendar for our most up-to-date listing of upcoming events. To receive a twice-a-month e-newsletter including all FMR activities and news, sign up for Mississippi Messages.
What about coronavirus?
We're watching the CDC and Minnesota Department of Health guidelines closely. If plans change based on their recommendations, FMR Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator Sophie Downey will email registrants with event updates. (Be sure to add sdowney@fmr.org to your contacts so updates don't land in spam.) And we'll update this page if anything changes.
If this event does proceed as planned, it is unlikely we will have masks but we'll continue to offer gloves and hand sanitizer.