Mpls Downtown Improvement District Launches Cloth Mask Drive for People Living in Vulnerable Settings in Downtown Minneapolis

Mpls DID Cloth Mask Drive, May 7 through May 31
The Mpls Downtown Improvement District (DID) today launched a cloth mask drive aimed to provide masks for people living in vulnerable settings in downtown Minneapolis.
Masks are a basic need during this pandemic, and the goal of this drive is to help those in need have access to this important resource. DID will gather donated masks and distribute them to project partners at emergency shelters and congregate care facilities. More than 3,000 masks are needed to meet existing needs of residents and staff at these facilities.
To help meet this goal, DID will source and distribute 500 cloth face masks directly to people in need on the streets of downtown through its Livability Team. The organization already purchased 300 masks from vendors at the Nicollet Makers Market to get started toward the goal.
The public is encouraged to create or purchase cloth masks and donate them to those in need through this drive to meet that 3,000 mask goal. The dropoff is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day at the Minneapolis Fire Department’s Fire Station No. 1.
To donate masks in person: Mpls Fire Department Fire Station No. 1 (530 S 3rd Street, Minneapolis, MN 55415)