September 18 Ward 7 Update from Council Member Lisa Goodman

The City of Minneapolis is holding two online open houses later this month to share updates, answer questions and solicit feedback about the reconstruction of Hennepin Avenue South between Douglas Avenue and West Lake Street.
The City plans to reconstruct this section of Hennepin Avenue starting in 2023. The reconstruction project will include redesigning Hennepin Avenue to meet the needs of current and future users of the street. Project goals include improving the sidewalk and intersections for all users, evaluating bicycle network connections, providing space for enhanced transit stops for future bus-rapid transit (BRT) service, replacing aging infrastructure and improving traffic flow.
Online open houses
Public Works will host two virtual open house meetings to present the project background, introduce potential design concepts and get public input on the project. The open houses will feature a presentation followed by a Q&A session.
- 4:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22.
- 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30
Find links to the open houses and more information about the project on the City’s website.
Franklin and Lyndale Road Construction
The Public Works Department has scheduled a water valve replacement project at the intersection of Lyndale and Franklin. This project will begin Monday, 9/21 and is scheduled to be completed on Thursday, 9/24. Traffic will be maintained in both directions with lane shifts.
Early Voting Begins for November 3 Election
Early voting begins Friday, Sept. 18 for the Nov. 3 general election. Ballots may be cast early by mail or in person at the Early Vote Center, 980 E. Hennepin Ave.
The City is mailing 114,873 requested mail-in ballots to Minneapolis voters. Voters who applied early should allow seven to 10 days for their ballot to arrive. Voters who applied this week should allow 15-20 days for their ballot to arrive.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging voting early by mail, and Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services supports this and other CDC and Minneapolis Department of Health recommendations to make sure every voter in Minneapolis can safely cast their ballots this election year.
Changes to voting by mail
Any Minnesota voter can vote early; no reason is needed. However, due to a recent court action, some of the requirements for voting by mail have changed. These affect witness requirements and the deadline for returning your ballot.
- If you are registered to vote at your current address you will not need a mail ballot witness.
- If you have moved, changed names or need to register for the first time, you will need a witness to sign your mail ballot envelope.
A voter’s ballot will count as long as it is postmarked on or before Election Day (Nov. 3) and is received in the mail no later than seven days after Election Day (Nov. 10). This is a change from previous election law requiring mail ballots to be received by Election Day. Please note that if voters deliver their ballot in-person to the Elections & Voter Services office, it still must be returned by 3 p.m. on Nov. 3.
For the Aug. 11 State Primary, a court decision allowed an individual voter to return an unlimited number of other voters’ mail ballots. For the general election, this decision has been reversed, and voters may only return mail ballots for up to three other voters. When returning another voter’s ballot, identification with name and signature is required and paperwork must be completed. More information on how to vote by mail is available at
Voting at the Early Vote Center
The Early Vote Center, 980 E. Hennepin Ave., makes early in-person voting more convenient for Minneapolis voters. It’s especially helpful to people who need language support or other special accommodations, such as curbside voting. While we are in a pandemic, voting early can help people avoid lines and crowds at polling places on the day of the election.
The Early Vote Center’s hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. The center will have extended hours for the final two weeks of voting, including Saturday and Sunday hours. For the last seven days of early voting, the City will open two additional Early Vote Centers. All early voting hours and locations are posted on the Elections & Voter Services website:
Voters can save time by taking these three steps
- Make sure you’re registered to vote, or pre-register at least 21 days before the election. Voters can register or check the status of their registrations at
- Download and complete the absentee ballot application form in advance and bring it when you go to vote early. Find the request form at
- Look at a sample ballot ahead of time; even bring it to refer to when you go to vote. Find your sample ballot at
State law allows voters to bring materials into the polls to help complete their ballots — and the sample ballot is the single, best tool available for this purpose. By downloading and printing their sample ballots (which are customized to their specific ward and precinct), voters can practice marking their ballots. They can bring this marked-up sample ballot as a reference to the voting booth when completing their official ballots. This is the best way to reduce the time spent waiting in lines.
Elections website has a new look
Just in time for the Nov. 3 general election, the City’s Elections & Voter Services website is out with a new look and improved functionality. Check it out at
The new features include:
- Simpler design and improved organization make it easier to find what you want.
- More compatibility with smart phones.
- Improved search tool.
Handles increased website traffic more effectively.
September is National Preparedness Month
National Preparedness Month is recognized each September to promote family and community disaster planning now and throughout the year. This year’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) theme is "Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today."
The City of Minneapolis encourages residents to set aside some time this month to use FEMA’s weekly themes and learn about ways to prepare for weather emergencies and other disasters that could occur at home and work and in their communities. Families preparing before an emergency with a focus on children’s understanding can help save lives and increase the community’s resilience.
FEMA’s weekly focuses in National Preparedness Month 2020: Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today
Week 1 Sept. 1-5: Make a plan
Week 2 Sept. 6-12: Build a kit
Week 3 Sept. 13-19: Prepare for disasters
Week 4 Sept. 20-26: Teach young people about preparedness
Find information on these weekly themes and more at
Watch and share FEMA’s preparedness videos.
Residents can prepare for a disaster today by downloading the FEMA app for real-time alerts from the National Weather Service, ways to share notifications with loved ones, emergency shelter information and more.
Health Officials Begin Statewide COVID-19 Survey of Minnesota Households
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is conducting a voluntary statewide survey through Sept. 30 as part of an ongoing effort to better understand the prevalence of COVID-19 in Minnesota.
The modified Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response, or CASPER, survey will include a household questionnaire as well as free virus and antibody testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Information learned from the survey will help health officials and others who are part of the COVID-19 response make decisions that best meet the needs of our communities.
During the survey period, teams of public health professionals will visit randomly selected households in 180 preselected sites around Minnesota. After agreeing to participate, one member of the household will complete a questionnaire. All household members who consent can receive a COVID-19 test using a swab to test for current infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and an antibody test using a finger stick to draw a few drops of blood to see if someone has previously been infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Participants with positive results for either test will be contacted by a nurse to receive additional information. All questionnaire responses and results will be kept private. For more information about this study, visit CASPER: COVID-19 Public Health Survey.
Resources for Job Seekers
Lost your job? Need work now? Dislocated Worker services are designed to help workers who have been laid off get back to work as quickly as possible. Eligible workers may receive counselor-approved training, placement services and more. Visit Minneapolis Dislocated Worker Resources for more information.
Need help figuring out your next career step? Thinking you might need training to prepare for your next job? Contact staff at a CareerForce location near you for help. Visit Minneapolis Employment and Training for locations and assistance in Minneapolis.
How Do You Stay Healthy and Grounded?
Many of us are feeling a huge emotional toll with the recent killings, racial injustice and COVID-19. This short video, introduced by the Minnesota Lynx star Napheesa Collier, features seven members of our Minneapolis community talking about some of the ways they take care of themselves so they can show up for their families and community.
Watch and discuss
Take a moment to watch the video with your loved ones and discuss some ways you can heal and stay healthy.
Find a list of mental well-being resources and support compiled by the City here.
Learn More about Federal Paid Sick Leave for COVID-19
In addition to the City’s Sick and Safe Time ordinance, the U.S. Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) ensures that workers are not forced to choose between their paychecks and the public health measures needed to combat COVID-19.
In general, employees of private sector employers with fewer than 500 employees, and certain public sector employers, are entitled to (up to) two weeks (of fully or partially paid) sick leave for COVID-19 related reasons. Additional partially paid leave is available to care for a child, including during school closure or virtual learning. Private employers that have fewer than 500 employees are reimbursed with tax credits for the cost of providing their employees with paid leave.
For more information, call 1-866-4-US-WAGE and check out the following resources: informational video, eligibility tool, poster and FAQs.
COVID-19 Situation Update as of September 16, 2020
Situational updates: Minneapolis
- As of September 16, there are 9,881 cases in Minneapolis and 231 deaths. The City shares Minneapolis-specific daily case counts and demographics at
- Minneapolis has seen a decrease in COVID-19 cases from a high of 19 per 100,000 people in early August to 12 per 100,000 people as of September 1. In addition, there are now an average of approximately 50 new cases per day as opposed to 80 new cases per day.
- Current hospitalizations and ICU admissions have remained stable over the past week.
- Data show an increase in the percent of cases reporting community transmission. This means that a person’s infection cannot be traced to a known case or a specific activity. Increased community transmission makes it more difficult to conduct effective contact tracing and prevent further transmission.
- Colleges and universities continue to evaluate their COVID-19 safety plans for housing, classroom instruction, and other on-campus experiences. MHD is attending a weekly meeting with the University of Minnesota to stay apprised of their planning efforts around COVID-19 safety for students on campus.
- The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is conducting a research study to understand the impact of COVID-19 on Minnesota communities. This study includes public health workers going door-to-door in certain neighborhoods across the state. In Minneapolis, surveys will be conducted September 14 to September 30. The survey is voluntary and includes a free COVID-19 test. Visit the State’s COVID-19 survey webpage for more information.
- Mayor Frey’s Emergency Regulation No. 12 regarding masks remains in effect. The regulation requires people to wear face masks in all indoor public places.
- Mayor Frey’s Emergency Regulation No. 17 regarding bars and restaurants remains in effect. The regulation closes bar areas in restaurants, nightclubs, and indoor spaces of entertainment. Food and beverages can be served tableside while patrons are seated and patrons can approach the bar to order as long as they don’t congregate.
Situational updates: Minnesota
- As of September 16, there are 85,813 cases in Minnesota out of over 1.7 million tests completed. There have been 1,869 deaths from COVID-19 in Minnesota. There are 25,093 cases and 909 deaths in Hennepin County.
- The MN Department of Health is using a color-coded map to track a seven-day rolling average of new cases in Minnesota. As of September 1, the State is at 12.7 casesper100,000andMinneapolisisat 12.1cases per 100,000. These numbers put both Minnesota and Minneapolis in the orange category, which represents accelerated spread of COVID-19, although rates have decreased over the past few weeks.
- Minnesota is currently in Phase III of the Stay Safe MN plan for reopening.
- Governor Walz’s statewide mask mandate remains in effect. People are required to wear masks in all indoor public places where people gather and some outdoor venues where physical distancing is difficult.
Health Incident Command updates As the Minneapolis Health Department (MHD) continues to respond to COVID-19, we are applying an equity lens to all our work in conjunction with partners across the City enterprise.
- In the past week, Health inspectors completed 37 food safety routine inspections with an emphasis onCOVID-19preparedness plans and the implementation of COVID-19 protocols. Health inspectors responded to six food safety/sanitation/COVID-19 complaints from 311. There was one event that was inspected over the weekend.
- MHD and Civil Rights met with Centro de Trabajadores Unidosen Lucha (CTUL) to discuss areas of collaboration to increase worker safety, including COVID-19 precautions.
- Environmental Health collaborated with the Police Department and Public Works Transportation to provide guidance on hosting a safe National Night Out. Additionally, they hosted two Q &A sessions for block club leaders.
- Environmental Health is working closely with Business Licensing, CPED and NCR to formalize a process for pop-up food distribution sites that want to continue operating.
Case investigations/Contact tracing
- MHD is conducting over50 case investigations and contact follow-ups per day for individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. Currently, there are 22investigators, including six non-MHD enterprise staff. Of the9,881cases in Minneapolis, 85.8% have been interviewed, 2.1% haverefused,10.6% have been lost to follow-up, and1.4% are new cases that still need to be interviewed. Twenty-seven percent of interviews of Minneapolis residents are in a language other than English.
- The Health Department is partnering with Minnesota AmeriCorps Emergency Response Initiative on a new contact tracer program. The new program will place 20 case investigators/contact tracers within Minneapolis, beginning in mid-October. AmeriCorps is currently accepting applications for these positions. More information is available on the AmeriCorps website.
Community testing
- 322COVID-19 tests and200seasonal flu shots were provided at two testing events at Shiloh Temple in North Minneapolis on September 11 and 12. The testing event was conducted in partnership with Northpoint Health & Wellness Center, Hennepin Healthcare, and Hope Community. • Upcoming testing events:
- September 17 from 12 pm. to 6 p.m. at Tawfiq Islamic Center (2400 Minnehaha Avenue). Flu shots will not be offered.
- September 19 and 26 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Abubakar As-Sadique Islamic Center (2824 13th Avenue South). Flu shots will not be offered.
- September 29 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at East Side Neighborhood Services (1700 NE 2nd Street). Flu shots will be offered.
- Every Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Brian Coyle Center (420 15th Avenue South). Flu shots will not be offered.
- MHD is working with Human Resources and the Emergency Operations Center to develop processes and staffing plans to ensure that local testing efforts are sustainable through the end of the year.
- MHD staff continue to monitor public health and safety concerns at encampments in parks and other sites throughout the city, including the former Kmart site. Staff are supplying porta potties, handwashing stations, COVID-19 signage, and sharps containers as well as providing other services in collaboration with community partners.
- The MN Department of Transportation is in the process of clearing the 75+ tent encampment along Hiawatha and relocating people to other temporary housing options.
- Environmental Health staff are working in partnership with other City departments to explore emergency housing options for people experiencing homelessness.
Personal Protective Equipment
- MHD continues to distribute masks and other personal protective equipment to community organizations and businesses. In the past week, staff distributed 4,255 masks and 47 bottles of hand sanitizer. Recipients include community-based food distribution sites, COVID-19 testing sites, child care facilities, small businesses, unsheltered homeless, and community health care businesses.
- MHD is currently engaging in conversations with members from the Commission on Civil Rights to further expand mask distribution within the community.
- The MN Department of Health is convening Local Public Health Departments on a weekly basis to discuss COVID-19 vaccination plans once a viable vaccine becomes available.
- MHD is working closely with NCR to develop an outreach plan for discussing COVID-19 vaccination with community members. The process will begin with listening sessions and radio program discussions.
- The first community outreach effort was conducted on September 15 through a presentation and Q&A session with representatives from 34 neighborhood associations participating in a citywide
Neighborhoods Meeting organized by NCR. Neighborhood associations (and, soon, other groups) can request to schedule a presentation and dialog with MHD staff to dive deeper into this topic.
The City specific COVID email address is: