Scenes from the September 3 Mill City Farmers Market

September 3 was Back To School Day at the Mill City Farmers Market. It's always fun to see so many kids at the Market - I applaud all parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and others who bring their little ones.
Lorenzo LopezRocha of American Sustainable Organics grows rare and exotic peppers, tomatoes, corn and other items on farmland in Marine on St. Croix. His impressive display at the September 3 Market included the aptly named Tom Thumb popping corn. This sample in his hand is a fully developed cob.
Mi Ae Lipe signed copies of her latest book, Bounty from the Box: The CSA Farm Cookbook, a guide to over 90 fruits, vegetables, and herbs grown by community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms across North America. It includes over 360 diverse, delicious recipes and comprehensive cooking information on each crop.
You know fall is around the corner when you see a basket of decorative gourds, and ornamental cabbage starts showing up in the bouquets...
Yum! Our neighbor Doug enjoyed BBQ Pork Hash from the griddle masters of Black Cat Natural Foods.
Manu Gallur of Green Stick Army is on a mission to encourage trash pick-up activities and education to clean up downtown Minneapolis. He introduced shoppers to his handy gadget at the September 3 Market. Look for a separate post later this week on our Farmers Market blog.
The kids from Urban Roots are back! Check out their website to learn about the great things this organization is doing. Their fundraising event, Get to Know Your Urban Roots, is September 15 at Harriet Island Pavilion in St. Paul.
Anna Metcalfe is a talented ceramist and frequent MCFM art vendor. She will be speaking at the September 14 American Craft Library Salon Series: Pottery, Pollinators and Public Engagement event.
Below, Chefs Nettie Colón (left) and Beth Jones (right) pictured with MCFM Executive Director Martha Archer as they start amassing ingredients for the feast being served at the September 11 Harvest Social.
Beth's son agreed to be my "hand model" for the Sonny's ice cream shot.
Below is Jill Colella, Editor of Ingredient Magazine and Butternut Magazine. These publications for kids are made in Minnesota and distributed around the world, bringing food literacy to children and tweens.
Ames Farm added Honeycrisp and Early Gold apples AND pears to this week's offerings. :)
Oh no - an abandoned baby cuke! :(
Oops - no Milly the Goat this week - the Train shed was so packed I couldn't even get close enough for a shot (but that's a good thing!).