Scenes from the August 6 Mill City Farmers Market

The Mill City Farmers Market celebrated National Farmers Market Week (August 7-13) at the August 6 Market. Chipotle Mexican Grill sponsored the distribution of free five dollar shopping vouchers to the first 1,000 visitors. The vouchers were eligible for all take-home grocery items, as part of the Mil City Farmers Market and Chipotle’s mission to provide “farm fresh food for all.”
August 6 community booths included Wellness Minneapolis and Ingredient Magazine/Butternut Magazine. Look for separate articles on these organizations later this week on our Farmers Market blog.
It is perfectly acceptable to eat raw sweet corn - especially when it's freshly picked and sold by Nistler's. :)
You say you have a hankerin' for melon? Welcome to the Mother Lode!
A visit from Council Member Jacob Frey.
This dangling head of cauliflower reminded me of an old 50's sci-fi movie where you can see the wire connected to the toy UFO:
Probably even more so than the kids, I love listening to stories read by the animated Guthrie Theater actor, H. Adams. :)
This adorable little girl with a bouquet of dill stopped by the Info booth with her mother.
Milly the goat!