SBA Small Business Person of the Year 2022 – Minnesota: Kristen Denzer, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Tierra Encantada

Article by Becky Fillinger
Kristen Denzler is the CEO and Founder of Tierra Encantada. She was recently honored as SBA Small Business Person of the Year 2022. Her company has been on The Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal list of the 50 fastest-growing privately held companies in the Twin Cities for a few years. We talked to Kristen to learn more about her business success and perhaps take away a few tips.
Q: Congratulations on being awarded SBA Small Business Person of the Year 2022 – Minnesota. In a 2021 Forbes interview, you said, “I think that the only limitations you have as a business owner are those you place on yourself.” Please tell us more about this thought.
A: Many people have great business ideas but hold themselves back because they don't have a degree or experience related to their business idea - and they think that is needed to be successful. While that can certainly help, it shouldn't hold someone back from pursuing an idea they are passionate about. I never worked at a childcare center prior to starting Tierra. I also had never constructed a licensed commercial kitchen and had never worked in construction before Tierra, either. But, by using my resources and being willing to put in the work, I figured it out and opened multiple centers, working as the general contractor for two of them, with no relevant experience/education.
Many people also think you need a business degree to start a business. I don't have one, and I know many successful entrepreneurs and not a single one of them have a business education. If you believe in something, don't hold yourself back with self-created limitations - just go for it.
Q: You’re the CEO and Founder of Tierra Encantada. The business features Spanish immersion language skill building and organic food. What led you to put these two features together?
A: The United States is incredibly behind in language learning, and countries around the globe have children learning multiple languages from a very young age. Knowing first-hand the limitations that come with learning a second language as a teen, I wanted my children to have an opportunity I did not have - to learn at the most critical time for their language development, their first years of life. I also wanted my children to be exposed to a vast array of food that they may not otherwise have - I wanted more for them than chicken nuggets and hot dogs. I didn't have much variety as a child, and tried Brussel sprouts, okra, asparagus, and mushrooms for the first time as an adult. Many parents don't know how to cook some things, like lentils, and some parents simply don't have time. Our culinary program provides fresh-cooked meals designed to expand young palates.
Q: You have degrees in Psychology, Political Science, Leadership and Evaluation Studies. Did your education help you become fearless in trying new things? Did your education prepare you for owning a business?
A: My education provided valuable experiences, connections, and learnings that shaped who I am and how I think about things. Though, I wouldn't say it was instrumental to my entrepreneurial nature nor my sense of adventure. I mean, the very first "club" I joined freshman year at the University of Minnesota was the skydiving club! 🙂 My education was not really related at all to the companies I have started, so did not do much to prepare me for running a successful company. The most relevant I would say was my graduate assistantships, which allowed me the opportunity to see what it was like to work as a consultant for community organizations - which I parlayed into my first business - consulting.
Q: You’re a Board Member at Women Venture and St. Croix Preparatory Academy. Have these experiences helped you as an entrepreneur? Are you mentoring other business start-ups?
A: Serving on both boards has been both fulfilling and educational. Seeing how other entities structure things has definitely informed decisions I have made as I have grown Tierra. With Women Venture, I also am on one of the two loan committees. It is very inspiring to see entrepreneurs bring their ideas to be considered for funding, and I feel honored I get to be a small part of their journey to entrepreneurship. I have had a number of entrepreneurs over the past few years that I have shared ideas and guidance with to help support them in growing their business.
Q: What are your daily habits? I’m sure that I’m not the only person who wants to know how you accomplish so much in a 24-hour period.
A: It's a bit hard to get into a routine with how busy I am - though I do try to! I try to get any large projects or tasks completed first thing in the morning and aim to keep my email under 100 if I can. I typically work 12-14 hours a day, so I try to plan ahead with healthy meals when I can and I make it a priority to work out 5 days a week. We have a gym at our corporate office, so that helps! Scaling a company means many long days, but if it is something you are passionate about, then it doesn't feel so much like work!
Q: We wish you many continued years of business success! How may we stay up to date with your news?
A: Thank you! You can follow me on LinkedIn and also Tierra Encantada on Facebook and Instagram.