Ryan Companies: Building A Better Workplace

Article and photos by Becky Fillinger
What company was ranked #9 in the Star Tribune's Top Workplaces for 2019? Here’s a visual clue for you:
Photo credit Legacy resident, Tabitha Mays
If you live in the Mill District, you’re probably aware that the Ryan Cos. US Inc. (and Edina developer Luigi Bernardi) are building The Eleven. But did you know that Ryan Companies headquarters are located in the Mill District at 533 S 3rd Street in the Millwright Building? I visited their offices in January and was impressed with the handsomeness and functionality of the LEED Platinum certified building.
Lamp with rebar baseI know that Ryan is a construction company, but was nonetheless delighted by the wide-open workspaces, ample areas for private meetings, visibility and accessibility of company executives and creative incorporation of construction materials into the interior design and decoration.
Rebar and cranes are repurposed as lighting features and private meeting rooms are built from construction gang boxes. I loved a 3D model of the Minneapolis cityscape in the front lobby. The Downtown Building Model was constructed by Rolly Stephens, Director of Virtual Design, whose hobby is, not surprisingly, wood crafting.
Ryan Companies welcomes the public to view the model from either outside or drop in to take a closer look.
3D cityscape model with The Eleven condo project in yellow
Broader view of the cityscape
Ryan has been in business for 83 years, employs 1300 people in 16 offices in 8 regions, with the Minneapolis office being the largest office. It is certainly a Minnesota business success, but what makes it a top Minnesota workplace? Employee surveys – but what makes an employee admire their employer? Glassdoor reviews are very positive – 90% of anonymous respondents would recommend Ryan to a friend and 97% approve of the CEO. Quotes include: “A great culture that actually practices their morals and values” and “Great leadership and company culture make it a place that you enjoy going to work every day.” I found many quotes about great benefits and honesty in all interactions with clients and employees.
Company motto displayed above a gang box meeting area
“Our company motto is ‘Do The Right Thing’ and you’ll see it reflected year-round at Ryan,” said Public Relations Manager Kathy Jalivay. "Examples of living the motto are played out in our philanthropic programs and helping with regional disasters. The monumental Cedar Rapids flooding of 2008 impacted 5,390 houses, dislocated more than 18,000 residents and damaged 310 City facilities. Ryan helped with pre-flood preparations and put a dedicated team in place to handle flood recovery construction. Ryan was pivotal in restoring Cedar Rapids, including rebuilding the city hall, public library, fire station, Veterans Memorial Building and the historic Paramount Theater." Jalivay added, “The Cedar Rapids story is a great testament to how we operate as a company. We don’t just build buildings. We build communities where people can thrive. Why did we do it? We had an office and employees there, we knew how to do it and it was the right thing to do.”
Light fixture made from a crane componentEvery Ryan employee is encouraged to use up to 20 hours of worktime each year to volunteer in their communities. The corporate goal is to contribute 3% of Ryan’s pre-tax earnings to local communities through volunteering. With 1300 employees, that’s over 3200 work days devoted to volunteering. The North Region spent almost 1,500 hours in 2019 at Ryan's Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity house, building a home for their partner family in South Minneapolis. The North Region builds a Habitat for Humanity house each year. Employees who typically do an indoor desk job might be found doing a dry wall installation – it ties the employee to the actual business of the company and to its charitable endeavors.
Another impressive goal is donating cash and sponsorships equal to 2% of pre-tax earnings each year. This is with a stated revenue of 2 billion dollars in 2018! Ryan matches 100% of employee charitable contributions to qualifying non-profit charities, up to $500 per charity per year. RyanGivesBack efforts raised $838,130 in 2019, including employee donations, corporate matching funds and direct contributions. The North Region’s RyanGivesBack 2019 campaign raised over $301,000 in employee donations, pledges and corporate matches.
Tom RehwaldtOne amenity jumped out at me as praiseworthy – a shared bicycle program. Employees may use corporate bicycles for quick trips around town for business or to take a work break.
Tom Rehwaldt, a Civil Engineer and Mill District resident, is an avid user. “The shared bicycles are a great amenity for our office. I often use them to grab lunch with friends on the other side of downtown. Biking instead of walking is much more enjoyable and saves me about 20 minutes.”
Ryan Companies is evidently ‘doing the right thing’. It’s wonderful to learn that our Mill District corporate neighbor is doing well, taking care of employees and being recognized for it.
Original company truck on display in the lobby
Constuction-themed decor
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About Becky Fillinger
I’ve been a resident of the Mill District only since July 2019, but have visited the Guthrie, the Farmers Market, restaurants and friends in the area for many years prior to making the leap to Minneapolis. I’ve lived in many places (and climates) in the US and can testify that our cultural events, bicycle and hiking trails, parks and green spaces, museums, diverse neighborhoods and wonderful restaurants put Minnesota and Minneapolis high on my best places list. I’m a member of the Mill City Singers and look forward to our choir practices and performances.
One of my main interests is community - a very broad concept. For me it means bringing people together with common interests to form meaningful relationships. I look forward to reporting on businesses and individuals in our neighborhoods. Feel free to drop me an email at becky_fillinger@hotmail.com with your thoughts and ideas for stories.