Prioritize Health in 2023 - Tips from Mayor Jacob Frey

Article by Becky Fillinger
Mayor FreyIt’s the first week of a new year, and at this time we often start to ramp up our fitness regimen. One way to approach this is to get advice from the fittest among us. Our mayor, Jacob Frey, is frequently on the list of fittest mayors in the U.S. I put this question to him: What advice can you give us to get fitter in 2023? Not surprisingly, he had great advice to share:
Before becoming mayor, I used to run for competition and passion. I now run for my physical and mental health. Running has always been a release for me. It helps me face difficult issues and allows me to think quicker. The absence of my routine runs is noticed not just by me, but by those around me. Prioritizing my health allows me to be the best version of myself, in and out of the office.
Here are five tips I have for people looking to prioritize their physical health in 2023:
- Find a rhythm: The best way to get into a regular workout routine is to work out regularly. If you like to exercise in the morning, maybe that means not spending a ton of time on your phone while in bed. Instead, get up, put on your socks, and lace up those shoes. That first step alone will make it 10 times more likely you will get out the door and to your favorite workout activity.
- Frequency is more important than duration: Rather than crushing yourself once or twice a week during your workout, make a daily commitment to get some sort of exercise. Even if it’s a short walk during your lunch break, a little can go a long way. My favorite exercise is running along the Riverfront, which provides some of the best views in Minneapolis.
- Listen to your body: Not every day is going to be your best. On days when you have a hop in your step, increase the intensity. On days when you’re tired, don’t be afraid to take what I call “active rest” - keep the body moving so you still benefit, but do so with a lower intensity.
- Dress for the occasion: We live in Minneapolis, where a single-layer cotton shirt won’t be enough for many months of the year. But don’t let that deter you – throw on some layers, a hat, and some gloves, and find a way to get outside. Nothing cleanses the body and mind like some fresh air. Even a phenomenal workout inside usually can’t take the place of experiencing a breath of fresh air outside.
- Go with a friend: If you are accountable to someone beyond yourself, you’re more likely to show up on time and get the job done. Not to mention, a little banter can make exercising more fun and go by quicker. In Minneapolis, we’re all in this together, especially during the winter, and there are plenty of workout groups and people there to help you stay motivated. On Wednesday mornings, check out November Project and on Friday mornings, check out Flapjack Friday at Mill City Running.
Thank you, Mayor Frey!