People Serving People Residents Featured on Kare 11

People Serving People (PSP), located at 614 South 3rd Street, provides emergency housing and community services that assist families experiencing homelessness in becoming self-sufficient and reconnected with the community.
There are no guarantees in life, and circumstances beyond our control could put any one of us in this situation.
Kare 11 recently interviewed Joey and Tina Sletten and their children, who were residents at PSP at the time of the interview:
As you can see from the video, PSP does an incredible job of providing stability for children experiencing the trauma of homelessness.
If you would like to help, PSP has volunteer opportunities and an ongoing Donation Needs List:
• Alarm Clocks
• Blankets, Quilts, Comforters, Bedspreads
• Feminine hygiene products
• Sleeping bags
• Inflatable mattresses
• Children's books (new or gently used)
• Formula (powdered)
• Strollers
• Diapers (sizes 3 through 6)
• Wipes
• Pull Ups
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