Park Rehabilitation Project Begins at Bohemian Flats and Annie Young Meadow

Project will replace sidewalks, picnic shelters, picnic tables, benches, park lighting and drinking fountains
Work began earlier this month on a project that will rehabilitate picnic and park facilities at Bohemian Flats and Annie Young Meadow.
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) staff led community engagement sessions throughout summer 2018 and developed a plan to replace sidewalks, picnic shelters, picnic tables, benches, park lighting and drinking fountains at the two areas within Mississippi Gorge Regional Park.
Accessibility improvements are also a part of this project. When complete, Bohemian Flats and Annie Young Meadow will comply with current standards set by the Americans With Disabilities Act, making the park more easily accessed by all visitors.
In February 2018, the MPRB voted to rename a portion of Riverside Park, formerly called Lower Riverside Park, to Annie Young Meadow in honor of Young, a seven-term commissioner who passed away in January 2018.
Construction is expected to be complete by July 2018. The MPRB is working with Paradise Charter Cruises to complete the area around its facility prior to its opening next spring.
Project funding was provided by the Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment Parks and Trails Fund.
March 17, 2018 dedication and ribbon cutting to commemorate the renaming of Lower Riverside Park as Annie Young Meadow.