Park Board Invites Applications for Three Positions on the Minneapolis Bicycle Advisory Committee

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is seeking community members to serve two-year appointments on the Minneapolis Bicycle Advisory Committee (MBAC). Those interested in serving on this committee should submit an application before 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 27, 2012. Applications are available at in the volunteer section or by calling customer service at 612-230-6400.
The MBAC functions as an advisory committee to the Mayor and City Council as well as the Park Board, and serves as a liaison to bicyclists, businesses, neighborhoods, and other communities and agencies. It promotes commuter as well as recreational bicycling, advocates for bicycling infrastructure improvements, encourages safe riding, and works to involve city residents interested in bicycling issues.
The Park Board will appoint three at-large members from the Minneapolis Bicycling community. The term will be from June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2014. The MBAC currently meets the last Wednesday of every month from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. There is no compensation for serving on the committee.
Originally formed in 1990, the MBAC’s initial membership represented the Mayor’s Office, Public Works, City Planning, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, City Graphics, Meter Monitors, City Council, the State Legislative Liaison, the City Public Information Office, the Minneapolis Police Department, the Minneapolis Park Police and a local liaison. Over time, the membership has evolved to include additional staff and community members.
Related File: 2012 BAC Application
Jennifer Ringold, Manager Public Engagement and Citywide Planning
Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board
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