Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Hosts Screening of The Interrupters on April 23

Via an April 20 email from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board:
Award-Winning Film Tackles Subject of Violence in Urban Areas
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) will host a screening of The Interrupters on Monday, April 23. Minneapolis joins Chicago, Milwaukee, New York and other urban cities who have screened the film.
The Interrupters tells the moving and surprising story of three dedicated individuals who try to protect their Chicago communities from the violence they themselves once employed. These “violence interrupters” (their job title) – who have credibility on the street because of their own personal histories – intervene in conflicts before the incidents explode into violence.
Minneapolis community leaders, youth workers and any adult who wants to help reduce violence in their community is invited to this special showing. Immediately following, Chicago Interrupter and cast member Ricardo "Cobe" Williams will lead a discussion about interrupting violence in our community.
The movie is free and open to the public (note: the movie contains strong language). Please RSVP to attend by emailing ygriffeagray@minneapolisparks.org.
The screening is sponsored by the MPRB’s Community Outreach Department as part of the Park Board’s goal to provide safe places to play, recreate, contemplate and celebrate.
What: The Interrupters screening and conversation
Where: Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, 2117 West River Road, Minneapolis 55411
When: Monday, April 23, 6:00-9:00pm.
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