Mill City Farmers Market August 20, 2011

Eat Local All Year Long
One great way to keep eating local food all year long is to preserve it! Ferment it, freeze it, dry it, can it... and now's the time to do it! Check out the canning class and the cooking demo this Saturday and learn how (details below)!
Produce Planner
We've got sweet corn, mustard greens, long beans, squash blossoms, okra, WI-grown artichokes, beets, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, greens, and so much more!
Meet Your Vegetables / 9 am - 1 pm
(while supplies last)
Get after school snack ideas for young locavores from the experts - UMN Public Health Nutrition grad students!
Discover You Can!
Show off your to local food flare in the State Fair Style Canning Contest, coming up August 27th! Find out how to enter here.
Mill City Cooks, 10am - Local Lunch for Kids
Chef (and Mom) Heather Hartman knows all about this task! She'll demo two simple meals for young locavores with ingredients from our sponsor, Nash Brothers Trading Company: Black Bean Soup and - a classic - Hummus.
Art Market, All Day
Featuring The Ink Orchard, Matthew Krousey, Chris Chookiastirichai, and Woodsport.
Live Music, 11 am - 1 pm
The maverick chamber music of the Orange Mighty Trio.
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