Mia’s Lifelong Learning Programs For Adults 55 and Over

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos by Pierre Ware, Minneapolis Institute of Art
A discussion with Sheila McGuire, Senior Manager of Student & Teaching Learning and Julie Bourman, Vitality Arts Coordinator
Did you know that Mia offers workshops for adults over 55? Lifelong learning about the arts does not have to end at any certain age. We talked to Sheila McGuire, Mia’s Senior Manager of Student & Teaching Learning and Julie Bourman, Vitality Arts Coordinator, for info on the innovative Vitality Arts program. Check out the upcoming street art and mural painting workshop – fun!
Q: What types of activities or workshops does Mia offer for adults over 55?
A: Vitality Arts programming at Mia offers a variety of multi-session art making workshops ranging from drawing, watercolor, acrylic and gouache painting, assemblage, performance, quilting, and jewelry making, to street art and mural painting. The teaching artists design the multi-session workshops to enable participants to build artmaking skills while also getting to know one another. No experience is required and all materials are provided.
Q: How does your museum engage with the local community of older adults, and what efforts are made to make art accessible to this demographic?
A: Because of Mia’s track record of designing meaningful learning experiences for older adults, we received a Vitality Arts for Art Museums grant from E.A. Michelson Philanthropy to develop this current project. We began by identifying diverse community partners with active elder populations. From there we designed eight-week workshops for each community with a class celebration on the last day of each. In the fall of 2023, we installed an exhibition titled 55 and Better, Vitality Arts at Mia featuring all of the participants’ work, to which the students invited their friends and family for an opening celebration.
While we continue to offer programs to our community partners, additional Vitality Arts workshops are now open to the public. We offer a sliding scale fee model to make the programs accessible and affordable to all learners. Participants have received these workshops with enthusiasm and expressed strong interest in having more learning opportunities. Our summer workshops focus on street art and mural painting techniques will be led by professional teaching artists Luis Fitch and Cadex Herrera. Here’s more info on the program.
Q: In your opinion, what are the benefits of art engagement for older adults, and how do the Mia programs support these benefits?
A: We understand older adults want to continue to learn, acquire new skills, and participate. Making art has many benefits–socially, cognitively and emotionally. Mia’s Vitality Arts workshops not only connect participants with our collection, but also provide a creative space to engage with others while learning. Participants meet new people, try something new, or reignite their love for making art. Many say it’s the highlight of their week.
Q: What considerations are taken into account when designing art programs for older adults, such as accessibility, inclusivity, and diversity of artistic interests?
A: When we are designing a workshop for a specific community group, we ask them what they would like to learn through listening sessions, focus groups or surveys. We also encourage community partners to recommend a teaching artist from their own community. By doing this, it can make participants feel more comfortable especially if there might be a language or cultural barrier involved. Our community partners from 2022 through 2024 include Catholic Charities, Centro Tyrone Guzman, CommonBond Communities, Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, and Rainbow Health. We are currently meeting with older adults and organizations in our community to expand our programming.
We get to know each participant's needs prior to starting each workshop and arrange the studio to accommodate all students.
Q: Looking ahead, what are your future plans for expanding or improving art programs for people over 55?
A: It has been exciting to see the overwhelming response older adults have shown in coming to Mia to make art and connect with the museum either for the first time or from people who haven’t been here in a long time. We aim to continue creating meaningful connections for them through art making and our collection. Mia is in the planning stages of designing more Vitality Arts workshops throughout the rest of this year.
Q: How may we follow the news of the Vitality Arts program at Mia?
A: Search for Vitality Arts on our website to see upcoming workshops. We are currently working on updating our web page.