Mia’s Inspired by Books Program Pairs Literature with Art

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (French, 1796-1875) The Reader, 1868, oil on canvas.
Looking for a different museum experience? Are you a person who loves to read and appreciates art? If so, you’ll love Mia’s Inspired by Books program. We talked to Mia's Senior Educator Debbi Hegstrom about this innovative program.
Q: Please tell us how the Inspired by Books program came about at Mia.
A: One of our guides was meeting regularly with a book group who asked her to do tours related to particular books they were reading. She asked me if we could offer these tours to other interested book groups and also as public tours. I loved the idea, and we started the program in 2011.
Q: Are the tours open to anyone? Do visitors need to reserve a spot? Is there a cost?
A: Public book tours are free and open to anyone. Visitors do not have to reserve a spot in advance. Private tours have a cost and must be arranged a month in advance.
Q: Who curates the program?
A: We have a committee of about 8-10 guides who are voracious readers and meet twice a year to decide on six months of titles at a time, January-June and July-December. As Senior Educator, I meet with the group to help determine the titles.
Q: Are the books selected always English language books?
A: The books we offer are always available in English. Some of them have been translated from other languages, however. We select from a wide variety of authors from around the world that will get us into all areas of Mia's collection.
Q: Have any authors (of the selected book) attended your tours?
A: Diane Wilson attended a tour of her book Spirit Car: A Journey to the Dakota Past, and spoke to the group afterwards.
Q: Could you imagine the program expanding to a tour that includes the book, art from Mia and food selections? Tour with dinner?
A: We haven't considered this for our public tours. We did have one private tour group that had catered appetizers before the tour. We have offered people on public tours a discount at our cafe if they wanted to stay for something to eat afterwards.
Q: Could the program be modified to pair a children’s book with art?
A: We have offered several children's books for tours during the summer months.
Q: How may we stay informed of event dates, selections, and any enhancements to the program?
A: Visitors can find information about upcoming book selections and tour dates on Mia's website.
Please come out for a tour this fall!