Meet the Mill City Farmers Market Vendors Series - A Discussion with Jolea Gress, Co-Owner, Green Earth Growers

Article by Becky Fillinger, photos provided
Green Earth Growers is a woman-owned, Certified Naturally Grown farm in Prior Lake, focusing on greenhouse grown bedding plants, cut flowers and hanging baskets. The 3-acre farm is owned by Jolea Gress and Jenny Hotz. We talked to Jolea about what inspired her to get started in farming, CSA shares and DIY Flower Buckets. Go see their beautiful plants this week!
Q: What inspired you to start Green Earth Growers?
A: I have always loved plants. Both sets of my grandparents farmed, so it's in my blood. My first job with plants was taking care of office plants in downtown Minneapolis during college. I got a job at Linders Greenhouse after that which led me to an organic farm in Prior Lake (the location we are currently still at). They moved their business Up North and my old boss asked if I was interested in renting the space/land. I asked my friend Jenny if she wanted to embark on it with me and we began renting greenhouses and land in late 2004 and have been here ever since.
Q: What advice would you give to other women looking to enter the agricultural industry or start their own farm?
A: I would suggest starting out by working on a farm or at a greenhouse and maybe a few different ones. Everyone has different methods and techniques. That way you can be sure it's what you really want before you get started and gain some experience. Be ready to work hard, and make mistakes (it is the very best way to learn), but also you get to take in the rewards and beauty of the circle of life...watching each season unfold from the first seed, to the fruits and flowers, and composting it all back into the earth.
Q: What do you grow and produce at Green Earth Growers?
A: We grow a wide variety of annuals, herbs and vegetable plants for many local garden centers, co-ops and fundraisers. We farm produce and cut flowers, which we sell through our CSA and at Mill City Farmers Market. We also sell our cut flowers to a Twin Cities flower exchange and local stores.
Q: Please tell us about your CSA shares – what might we find in our weekly share basket?
A: Our CSA shares build as the season progresses. Early boxes include lettuces, strawberries, scallions, summer squash, garlic scapes and more. The really big boxes roll out in August with sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, much more field goodness.
Q: I’m intrigued about DIY Flower Buckets – what is it and how may we indulge in this activity?
A: Our DIY flower buckets are great for weddings, anniversaries, showers or really any event. With each bucket you get a mix of filler, focal flowers and foliage to create your own gorgeous bouquets or centerpieces. Buckets can be reserved by dropping us an email or filling out our form online.
Jolea Gress and Jenny Hotz
Q: Can you tell us about any innovative techniques or technologies you've implemented at Green Earth Growers?
A: We grow in accordance with organic standards. We believe in taking care of our soil and land to ensure that it continues to provide for us. In our flower fields we are working towards 'no till' and adding in compost, manures and mulches yearly to help with our clay soils. Last fall we had a partial rebuild of our main greenhouse growing structures due to snow damage in 2023. We have been growing in old wooden greenhouses since the beginning, we now have beautiful new greenhouses and it feels so good.
Q: How may we follow your news?
A: You can subscribe to our newsletter via our website.
We also occasionally post on Instagram and Facebook, too.
A busy day at the Mill City Farmers Market