June 2024 Minneapolis Central City Tunnel Project Update

Via a June 27 e-announcement from the City of Minneapolis:
The City of Minneapolis Public Works Department is constructing a new parallel storm tunnel, enlarging a portion of the existing storm tunnel, and constructing a new tunnel access in Downtown Minneapolis.
The new tunnel is being constructed parallel to the existing tunnel located under Washington Ave S between Nicollet Mall and Chicago Ave. The existing tunnel under Chicago Ave between Washington Ave S and the Mississippi River is being expanded to handle the increased stormwater capacity. The purpose of this project is to reduce pressure in the existing tunnel, provide more room for future growth, and to reduce the need for future repairs and tunnel failures.
Project Map
Project news
Crews have completed work on the new parallel storm tunnel under Washington Ave. Thank you for your patience with construction over the years. Restoration on the storm tunnel outlet at the Mississippi River continues, and barring any unforeseen circumstances, the remaining project work sites will be cleaned up by mid- July.
Mississippi River Portal
- Crews continue reconstructing the storm tunnel outlet and have begun restoration and site cleanup activities at the Mississippi River.
2nd Ave
- Crews have completed work at the 2nd Ave site and have begun restoration of the area.
Portland Ave
- Crews are wrapping up the work in the tunnel at the Portland Ave site and will begin restoration and site cleanup activities soon. The concrete barrier along Washington Avenue will be removed in the coming weeks and the road will be returned to its preconstruction condition.
Dewatering Well Sites
- Crews have removed the dewatering wells at Nicollet Mall, 2nd Ave, 4th Ave, Portland Ave, and Chicago Ave. Sidewalk restoration and site cleanup activities will begin soon.
Stay Connected
Visit the project website for more information and to sign up for project updates: https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/projects/central-city-tunnel/
Email the project team: info@mplscentralcitytunnel.com
Contact the project hotline: 612-888-9418