Hennepin Avenue Downtown Reconstruction Project - June 23 Update

Hennepin Avenue Downtown Reconstruction Project
Hennepin Ave. will be reconstructed between 12th Street and Washington Avenue. The City will reconstruct the pavement from building face to building face, including improvements to public and private utility infrastructure, and improved space for pedestrians, bicycles, transit, and vehicles.
Latest Project News
Progress continues in the 6th Street intersection, which is the last remaining intersection to do on the project. 2 of the 3 lanes are paved through the intersection.
Bus station foundations were poured on the last two stations this week and more sidewalk was completed.
What's Coming Up
6th will remain at a single lane next week but will shift to the south side of 6th and work begins on the north half.
Vehicle access to parking between 5th and 6th will change to the 5th Street end. This will be two way access.
The 7th St intersection will be fully open for this weekend and moving forward.
See attached update for more details. Hennepin_Update_Vol97 (002).pdf
Contact Info
For more information on this project contact: