4th Street Reconstruction Project Update - June 24

4th Street Reconstruction Project Overview
The City of Minneapolis is reconstructing 4th St. between 2nd Ave. N and 4th Ave. S in downtown Minneapolis. The reconstruction will include wider sidewalks, improved crossings, a new bi-directional off-street bike path on the north side of the street, lighting, trees, and planting beds. Construction is underway and is expected to be complete by the end of 2022.
What's Happening Next Week?
Roadway reconstruction continues on 4th St. between 2nd Ave. N and Hennepin Ave. Fourth St. is currently closed to vehicle traffic between 1st Ave. N and Hennepin Ave. Local access is being maintained between 2nd Ave. N and 1st Ave. N.
- Crews continue sidewalk and planter bed work between 2nd Ave. N and Hennepin Ave.
- At the 1st Ave. N intersection, crews continue roadway work and paving.
*Please note that the construction schedules are subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.
What to expect during construction?
- During roadway construction, 4th St. will be closed to through traffic between 2nd Ave. N and Hennepin Ave. Local access will be maintained from 2nd Ave. N to 1st Ave. N.
- Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout construction. Be aware of your surroundings when walking or biking near the construction zone.
- Expect additional noise, dust, and vibration as crews complete work.
Upcoming Events
4th Street Weekly Stakeholder Meeting
Weekly project newsletters are sent out weekly and virtual stakeholder meetings occur bi-weekly. Join us at the next stakeholder meeting to get project updates, talk with project staff and get your questions/concerns answered.
Upcoming Stakeholder Meetings:
July 1, 9-9:30 a.m. - CANCELLED
July 15, 9-9:30 a.m.
Teams Meeting: Click here to join the meeting
Stay connected
There are multiple ways to get information including email updates and ongoing stakeholder meetings. Visit the project website for more information and to sign up for project updates: www.minneapolismn.gov/government/projects/fourth-st-n-and-s/
Provide questions, comments or concerns on the interactive map: https://zan.mysocialpinpoint.com/4thstreetreconstruction
Email the project team: info@4thstmpls.com
Contact the project hotline: 612-412-9774