Get Your Free Tickets for the Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition Presentation

Four Visions of the Minneapolis Riverfront
Ken Smith Workshop (New York City), Stoss Landscape Urbanism (Boston), Tom Leader Studio (Berkeley), and Turenscape (Beijing)
Date: January 27, 2011
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Walker Art Center
Cost: Free
Call the Walker at 612.375.7600 today - Based on the turn-out at previous events, we advise that you get your tickets soon.
Be among the first to see the final four teams’ design visions for Minneapolis’ upper riverfront, an area extending from the Stone Arch Bridge to the northernmost city limits, along both sides of the Mississippi River. Building on the Park Board’s award-winning 2000 master plan, this is the first demonstration project of the Minneapolis Parks Foundation’s Next Generation of Parks—a design-driven vision for a 21st-century park system.
The Minneapolis Riverfront Design Competition is copresented by the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board and the Minneapolis Parks Foundation, along with creative partners the University of Minnesota College of Design and the Walker Art Center.
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