February 5 Public Hearing for Amendment to Ordinance Relating to Parkland Dedication

Via a January 27 e-announcement from Minneapolis Park and Rec Board:
"Housekeeping" amendment necessary to address Federal Rule updates related to affordable housing
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) will hold a public hearing on February 5, 2020 at 6 p.m. in the Board Room at its Mary Merrill Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Headquarters, located at 2117 West River Road, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Individuals who would like to speak to the Board of Commissioners about this amendment pending approval can sign up to speak at the meeting by calling 612-230-6400 before 3 pm on Feb. 5 or by signing up in person before 6 pm on the day of the hearing.
This amendment, in part, modifies the definition of "affordable housing units." This amendment is also essentially a “housekeeping” amendment. The federal government updated its definition of “affordable housing units” to allow for income averaging. The City of Minneapolis is in the process of modifying its definition of “affordable housing units” to address inclusionary zoning units and projects using income averaging.
This is an official notice as required under Minnesota Statute Chapter 394.26, Subd. 1.”