Catching up with Ward 3 Council Member, Michael Rainville

Article and photo by Becky Fillinger
Ward 3 Council Member Michael Rainville at Farmers Kitchen + Bar
Michael Rainville was elected Council Member of Ward 3 in the 2021 general election. We asked him to reflect on his time in office. We learned that he is energized by the job, he is available to talk and listen to constituents and provided means to contact his office or to subscribe to his news. Rainville also enthusiastically recommended restaurants and events in Ward 3.
Q: You’ve been a Council Member for 18 months. Would you look back at your time in office and give our readers a sense of your observations and accomplishments?
A: When I first took office, the City Council was still not meeting in person. The corridors of City Hall were empty - there was very little connection between Council Members. Then, Minneapolis started to awaken. I’m so proud of the City Staff members who resurrected Minneapolis. We have incredible leaders in the City government – Heather Johnson, City Coordinator; Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Director of Public Works; Kristyn Anderson, Minneapolis City Attorney; Cedric Alexander, Minneapolis’ first Community Safety Commissioner and Saray Garnett-Hochuli, Director of Regulatory Services. Obviously, there are many more people who led us out of the pandemic, but these leaders come to mind.
On the City Council, we’ve been busy and have made some good solid decisions on housing programs, public safety and climate change. As a Council, we are seeing the value of working broadly with other interested groups in accomplishing the changes we all want. When U.S. Attorney Andy Luger announced the indictment of 45 gang members earlier this month, it made me proud too. We are working for Minneapolis, a city government, but we are collaborating with federal agencies, county governments and many other groups – we have admitted that we can’t do it alone, but can accomplish great things when we work together.
Q: You’re a lifelong resident of Minneapolis. What do you want your constituents to know about you?
A: I did grow up here. We live in a great city and I want to help it thrive. I want my constituents to know that I work every day. Some days I wear a suit and tie and work out of the office. On the weekend, I’m meeting with businesses or nonprofits or talking one on one with constituents. I am accessible; I listen. If you have questions or concerns, call my staff – Henry and Ryan – at 612-673-2203. I have more energy than I’ve ever had in my life, and I’m totally invested in the job.
Q: Let’s shift gears a bit. What about some recommendations about great restaurants in your Ward?
A: I’d love to make recommendations. For breakfast, I’d choose the daily omelet at Elsie’s. For lunch, I would recommend four spots, depending upon my mood – Northeast Yacht Club for cheeseburgers, Kramarczyk’s for pierogies and sausages, Dusty’s Bar for the Dago Burger or Emily’s Lebanese Deli for all the wonderful Lebanese foods. For dinner, here are my favorites: Monte Carlo, Nicollet Island Inn, Sidebar at Surdyk's or All Saints. I’m always looking for new dining out ideas – readers, send me your choices!
Q: Ward 3 has fabulous events throughout the year. Does any one special event stand out as your favorite?
A: Yes, the Stone Arch Bridge Festival, held on Father’s Day weekend this year. I go every year and can’t wait for it to return next month. The art, live music, food and venues are just great fun.
Q: How may we follow your news?
A: I have a Ward 3 Facebook page and Twitter. You may contact me here or by calling the office at 612-673-2203. Also, please do subscribe to my newsletter.