Apply to Serve on Scherer Bros Site Parcel 'D' Development Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

An application to participate on the Community Advisory Committee for the Parcel 'D' development at the Scherer site is now available. Applications are due Oct. 20, 2016 and appointments will be made by Nov. 1, 2016.
The Scherer site contains 11 acres of riverfront land that will be developed with both parkland and commercial elements to help offset operating costs. The former lumberyard, located just north of the Plymouth Avenue Bridge along the Northeast Minneapolis riverfront, was purchased by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in 2010. Parcel D occupies the northeast corner of the site.
A private development team will be engaged to undertake the design, construction, operation and management of the Parcel ‘D’ portion of the former Scherer Bros. site. The goal of the development is for it to serve as an activator for the future Hall’s Island Park and a way of connecting local businesses and organizations to the park and riverfront. For more information, please see a site concept plan and visit the project page.
Scherer Bros Parcel 'D' CAC Application
What is a CAC?
Community Advisory Committees provide volunteer opportunities for stakeholders to share insight and resources and serve to build and sustain relationships between the community, partner agencies, and the MPRB. Members of the CAC are expected to represent the views of regional park users and to work collaboratively with each other and the public to provide comprehensive recommendations to the Board about the project.
Responsibilities of CAC members
Through this process, CAC members are expected to become knowledgeable about the project and its scope, understand and represent the park and recreation needs of the community and park visitors and act as community liaisons for the project. Members will participate in public CAC meetings, advise MPRB staff and consultants throughout the planning process, and recommend to the Board of Commissioners a preferred concept plan for development of Parcel ‘D’.
MPRB Promise
The MPRB will work with the CAC and stakeholders for advice and innovation in formulating solutions and incorporate recommendations to the maximum extent possible.
Time Commitment
The total time commitment for CAC members is estimated at 20-40 hours. Meetings will occur in the evenings from November 2016 through May 2017. The CAC will have five official CAC meetings about two hours each.
Appointment Process
All completed CAC applications will be forwarded to all the appointers. Applicants may be contacted directly by an appointer to discuss the project and interest. All those who apply will be contacted if they are appointed.