September 17, 2017, Sunday - Fresh Hell Comedy Ka-Blingo at Day Block Brewing
Time: 8 PM - 11 PM
Location: Day Block Brewing Company, 1103 Washington Avenue South
Tonight: Fresh Hell Comedy Ka-Blingo
We're back with another hot spoonful of Fresh Hell! We've got a ridiculous lineup with some of the Twin Cities finest funny people on deck to drop burning hot sets.
This month we've got Old Scratch himself, The Devil (in the form of Lyle Larue), live on stage and answering your questions*! FOR REAL.
Shelly Paul
Greg Coleman
Daniel Raderstrong
Kristen Pichette
Moe Yaqub
+ a full set from co-host Courtney Baka
And, of course, we're also playing comedy Ka-Blingo ("What's that?" you ask. Oh, you'll see...) and you can win beer?
And, of course, this show is as free as America can be? Bring everyone you've ever loved and let's light this tire fire!
Hosted by Andrew "The Ex-Catholic" Cahak and guest co-host Kristen "Killer Kris" Pichette.