October 28, 2011, Friday - Communicating with All Minnesotans about Water Resources at McKnight Foundation
Time: 8:00am to 9:00am
Location: McKnight Foundation, 710 Second Street South, Suite 400
The 2010 Census results prove what we already know: Minnesota’s population continues to grow more diverse. Yet, many communities have difficulty communicating with their diverse residents about environmental information in meaningful ways—and a failure to connect effectively with all Minnesotans on these issues likely will have negative consequences for the next generation of natural resources management.
As Education and Outreach Manager for the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO), Jenny Winkelman spearheaded a special partnership with the City of Minneapolis to better understand how the Hmong community accesses and shares information, to understand the Hmong cultural context and priorities for water resource issues and to develop a customized Water Education Plan. One outcome of this project was the creation of a DVD, "Dej Tus Kab Ke - The Nature of Water," to increase environmental literacy and water stewardship in Minneapolis’ Southeast Asian communities. The DVD is about water and pollution prevention, with features on raingardens, household hazardous waste and watersheds. It is presented in five spoken languages and two written languages. Copies of the DVD will be distributed at the meeting.
Jenny also works with partners to develop future leadership in the MWMO’s diverse communities. One example is the Mississippi River Green Team, a conservation-focused youth development program for urban teenagers—the next generation of river stewards and coworkers. These experiences have given Jenny important insights about how to involve diverse and young people in water resources issues. Come learn how we can more effectively connect with all members of the public about our work!
The Mississippi River Forum is made possible by the generous support of the Mississippi River Fund and the McKnight Foundation. Light breakfast provided. Free. RSVP to lark_weller@nps.gov.