October 18, 2014, Saturday - The Big Gay Race 2014
Registration Opens: 7:30am
Race Begins: 9:00am
Event Location: St. Anthony Main, 65 SE Main Street
The Big Gay Race 5K is back and bigger than ever for its fourth year! It has become a symbol of a diverse community of Minnesotans coming together in support of love, commitment, marriage, and family.
Join us as we show our lawmakers that “We’ve Got Your Back”! The 2014 election cycle is heating up, and showing our legislators that they have our support for their “yes” vote on marriage is critical. We have to ensure that we keep a pro-marriage majority in the Minnesota House of Representatives, and joining us for the Big Gay Race 2014 is one important way to do that!
Proceeds from the Big Gay Race 2014 will go to support the efforts of the MN United PAC.
Walkers are welcome, and will probably make up about half of the entire field. So no excuses!
Entry fees:
■$25.00 Early Registration: Available until September 30, 2014.
■$30.00 Regular Registration: Available October 1 – October 18.
■$35.00 Race Day registration: Available from 7:30 – 9 a.m. at the start/finish area