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« November 27, 2011, Sunday - Eating Local Through the Winter Class at Local D'Lish | Main | November 26, 2011, Saturday - Live Music at Crooked Pint Ale House »

November 27, 2011, Sunday - The Mad Ripple Hootenanny at the Guthrie

Time: 7:00pm

Location: Guthrie, Dowling Studio, 801 2nd Street South

In Novemeber 2007, writer/songwriter Jim Walsh (aka The Mad Ripple) started inviting friends both famous and obscure to participate in a weekly songwriter circle he called The Mad Ripple Hootenanny. Launched as a way for audiences to hear songwriters in an intimate setting where bar-goers wouldn't talk over the songs, and as a way for musicians from various walks to meet and collaborate, the Hoot (as it has come to be known) has provided local music fans with some of the most spontaneous, unpredictable, magical, and moving musical moments in recent memory.

To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Hoot, and to kick off the new Hoot season, Walsh and friends take to the Guthrie's Dowling Studio.