November 11, 2017, Saturday - Nearly Naked Ruck March at Boom Island Park
Time: See below info
Location: Boom Island Park, 724 Sibley St. NE
Hike up to 10 miles in your long underwear and carry a pack full of weight. The weight in your pack equals 10 pounds for every $100 you raise for 23rd Veteran (raise $400 and carry 40 pounds, or raise money as a team and split the weight). This weight represents the weight that we carry in the battle against combat stress. Bring your own pack, and if you'd like you can weight it with food shelf items to give to the needy at the end of the ruck march! $45.
We step off at 9am sharp Saturday morning, registration bag pick-up begins at 8am. The full length is 5 miles out and 5 miles back, with optional turn-around points along the way : ) Every so often you'll be greeted by a warming station with restrooms, coffee, hot chocolate and more! Be sure to bring your own packs, any style will do. If you load them with canned goods you can drop them off for the local food shelf at the finish line. Check-in and swag pick-up begins at 7am. Show up early!
All excess and money raised for your pack goes directly to 23rd Veteran, a 501c3 nonprofit creating a long-term transition for veterans!