November 11, 2015, Wednesday - A Sip of Science at Aster Cafe
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: River Room, Aster Cafe, 125 SE Main Street
November Sip of Science - Bee Support: People Helping Bees and Bees Helping People
Honey bees and wild, native bees are now faced with a multitude of challenges that include a lack of floral resources, pests, diseases and pesticides. To address these issues, the Bee Squad was founded in 2011 by Dr. Marla Spivak of the UMN Bee Lab to support both beekeepers and the public in their efforts to help bees. As the outreach arm of the Bee Lab, the Bee Squad communicates the latest bee research to audiences that are passionate about helping bees. Bee Squad has grown significantly and expanded their programs to include innovative ways to not just help bees, but also help people. Now Bee Veterans, Bee Arts and projects that train others who might not have had access to beekeeping are part of the Bee Squad. Additionally, the Bee Squad has launched a national beekeeper citizen science project in an effort to fight the deadly mite pest, Varroa destructor. Come learn more about the research and outreach mission of the Bee Squad!
Becky Masterman has led the Bee Squad program since 2013. She graduated from the UMN Twin Cities first with a BA (major in history, minor in biology) and then obtained a Ph.D. degree in Entomology under the direction of Dr. Marla Spivak studying honey bee hygienic behavior and neurobiology. For the last three years, Becky has been equally obsessed with trying to keep bees healthy and her newly found passion for traveling the world to attend heavy metal and rock concerts.
A SIP OF SCIENCE bridges the gap between science and culture in a setting that bridges the gap between brain and belly. Food, beer, and learning are on the menu in a happy hour forum that puts science in context through storytelling.
No cover; food and drink available for purchase.